A 10 oz Boca burger contains 70 calories.
The nutritional information of Burger King's products can be found on their website. Visit their official website and click nutrition then click dietary needs.
1 Burger King Whopper with cheese contains 760 calories.
The Meat Monster with 1160 calories
There are 670 Calories in a regular Whopper from most Burger King restaurants, according to BurgerKing.com.2,345 calories don't eat it fat boy
79 mg - I found it on this site. Just click "new search" in the corner to go to the homepage: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/cgi-bin/list_nut_edit.pl
1,010 calories; 70 grams of fat; 1,800 mgs of sodium; and 34 carbs, all according to BK's nutritional facts information: http://www.bk.com/#menu=3,1,-1
A Nation's cheeseburger contains 784 calories. It also contains 56g carbohydrates, 16.8g saturated fat, and 1449mg sodium.
http://www.fiveguys.com/Images/Nutrition%20Fact%20Spreadsheet.pdf this tells you the nutritional content of every thing on the menu.
There are about 170 calories in a salmon burger patty.
The nutritional value of a hamburger with ketchup and mustard depends on how much meat is used. It also depends on what kind of bread it used and how much.
611 calories for the burger