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It is probably from Russian fatory that now is associated with Baikal, which was not really a precisely designed nor manufactured gun but very solid and reasonably accurate. And it was expensive, that was the old form of gun control in USSR.

Now Baikal is made all over the world and the quality is so varied, I can only recommend you avoid them.

Your gun was possibly made in old Russia. It's mostly a reliable gun, like they say, a potato this year is a potato next year, and Russians will always eat potatoes. The serial numbers are not as searchable as they are here. Depending on when it was made, you may never know that, it might be suitable for modern loads and might not.

If you have scrolling and detailing, especially around the reciever screws, hash marks on the screw head, and little traingles around the outside of the screw, like the sun on a box of Raisin Bran, and if the screw heads are absolutely flat to the surface of the receiver, like it is one surface, it was a premium and sold for a lot more but was no more reliable or precise than the farmers models.

There should be a serial number under the fore-end, you have to take it off and one on the bottom metal work. They probably won't match.

If it is really USSR gun, there aren't enough old guns around to have a market price. Keep it, you may never see one again.

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Q: A Double barrel 12 gauge shotgun that is stamped Made in USSR I was told that it was a gift from 3M to employees or vendors I am wondering on it's maker and value?
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