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With no bleeding or mild spotting, you could just be having growing pains. Your uterus is going to be growing very fast.

I would suggest if you feel uneasy you see your doctor, seeing those 2 little hearts beating will make you feel much better.

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Q: 7 weeks pregnant with twins low stomach cramps and dull low back cramps?
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Is constipation and cramps a sign of pregnancy?

YES! I had awful stomach cramps, I was very worried and then i found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I am now 26 weeks pregnant and STILL conctipated so both are sure signs of pregnancy

You are 14 weeks pregnant and ive been having stomach cramps for 5 days now is there anythin wrong?

cramps are normal during pregnancy

DO women have abdominal cramps at 3 weeks pregnant?

im 3 weeks pregnant right now, and my cramps just feel like period cramps.

Could I be pregnant with twins if my stomach is getting larger at 7 weeks?

You should have an ultrasound done if you believe you may be pregnant with twins, at seven weeks the uterus is behind your pelvic bone, not yet visible except by trans-vaginal scan.

I am 9 weeks pregnant and am having stomach cramps?

as long as your not bleeding with the pain everythhing should be ok....its normal to cramp because your uterus is streaching

I am 7 weeks pregnant and i have these cramps in my lower abdomen that feel like period or gas cramps is this normalthis is my second pregnancy and i don't remember feeling this before?

Sorry, i can't answer your question but i am 7 weeks pregnant tomorrow and i am experiencing the same thing. Feels like period cramps but not as bad and wind cramps when you have upset stomach. I keep worrying that i am going to see blood but from searching online about it seems it is quite normal!

Cramps when gettingup quickly 8 weeks pregnant?

perfectly normal

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Do you get lines on the stomach when two weeks pregnant?

No. When you turn heavily pregnant you will.

How would you know if you were pregnant with twins at eight weeks?

The only sure way of knowing you are pregnant with twins is by ultrasound. An ultrasound at 8 weeks would show if you were carrying a multiple pregnancy.

I am twenty-four weeks pregnant and have stomach pains when you touch my stomach?

Call your health care provider now if you are pregnant with stomach pain.

Does your stomach hurt the first few weeks when your pregnant?

In my both my pregnacies if I bent over too far too quick I got a bad cramp in my tummy, in bed twistin around I sometimes got pinching in my stomach, sitting doing laundry gave me tummy aches(backaches too) early on