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no it takes two weeks for it to show on pregnancy test

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Q: 7 days after unproctected sex can you take a pregnancy test?
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Can you take a pregnancy test while your on depo provara?

Take a pregnancy test no sooner than 10 days after sex.

How can we know pregnancy occrd?

You take a pregnancy test 14 days after sex.

About how many days after implantation bleeding can you take a pregnancy test?

I think that you can take a test now

2 days late when should i take a pregnancy test?

You can take a pregnancy test when you are 2 days late. The tests now will show you are pregnant even before you have missed a period.

How many days to it take to get a pregnancy test?

Wait two weeks after unprotected sex before taking a pregnancy test.

Thirty two days and no period should you test for pregnancy?

Yes, take a test

How many days does it take to show a pregnancy on a pregnancy test?

2 weeks after sex the earliest.

If i take a pregnancy test being only 2 days late what will the outcome be?

Some pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy as early as when a woman is two days late with her menstrual cycle. You will only know the outcome if you take the test.

Is seven days before a missed period to soon to take a pregnancy test?

Taking a pregnancy test seven days before a missed period won't be accurate.

How many days should you wait to take a pregnancy test if you are 2 weeks late?

you can take the test now.

How long after conception should you take a pregnancy test?

11 days

Is 10 days after possible conception too early for an accurate result of pregnancy test?

Yes, 10 days is a bit too early for an accurate result of a pregnancy test. You should take a pregnancy test anywhere from 2 weeks to a month for an acurate result on a pregnancy test.