According to link below, I can only assume 5000 pounds is equal to about 7 million US.How_much_was_10000_pounds_in_1800_worth_today
At the current rate, $7209.
5000 British pounds is $7808.50 in U.S. dollars
£5000 is $6067.40
500,000 pennies is equal to $5,000 (Five Thousand Dollars)
5000 pounds because 2 tons is equal to 4000 pounds and half a ton is 1000 pounds so 4000 pounds + 1000 pounds = 5000 pounds (the answer is 5000 pounds)
92,750.00 EGP
2.5 tons.
5000 kilograms is equal to approximately 11,023 pounds.
As of this date $684.20 is equal to 5,000 £ (pound in British Sterling)
5,000 grams = about 11 pounds.