Cell phone for sale!
4 words, a sentence using the word cell phone.
a cell phone can last for 3-4 years!
When talking about a cell phone number abbreviation, most businesses use Mob. or Alt. for mobile or alternate. Due to the fact that cell is a 4 letter word, there is no recognized abbreviation.
Cell Phone - 2011 Disconnect 1-4 was released on: USA: 2012
it means that the memory of the cell phone is that of four mega bites
Answer: It depends on which kind of cell phone. Most are a few inches long.
The iphone 4.
The # that shows on cell phone is only 4 digits 6842
i phone 4 or the droid incredible 2
A flip, and a trac phone A flip, and a trac phone
Web Therapy - 2008 Cell Phone 4-16 was released on: USA: 29 February 2012