

36 days missed period and i feel like my stimach is full of air?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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10y ago

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If you have missed your period for 36 days and you feel like your stomach is full of air, you could be pregnant so it would be advisable to take a pregnancy test if you believe this could be possible. Other than that a missed period could be down to extreme weight loss or stress for example. Meanwhile your stomach being full of air could be trapped wind.

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Q: 36 days missed period and i feel like my stimach is full of air?
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I took first response 5 before my missed period and it was nagitive. I feel like i am pregnant so im going to take another one in 2 days!

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No. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, missed period.

How many days will you start to feel symptoms?

Some women have symptoms as early as their first missed period, other don't have any. Generally, a woman will notice symptoms at around 6-8 weeks. Everyone is different.

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I wanted to know the same thing. I have not yet missed my period, but feel bubbling and movement low down in my tummy. And also have slight period pain, but my period is still 2 weeks away.

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if you were pregnant it should show after 4 days but if it does not and still feel pregnant or are having symptoms wait another week or so and retest if you still have question make an appoinment with your doctor

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Missing menstruation (missing your period) would generally be the earlist sign of pregnancy. .....I could tell i was pregnant about 1 week after my missed period...not because of a blood test but me and my partner felt a difference during sex. it felt, well smoother. The earliest you can be SURE is when someone hears the heartbeat or you feel movements. why not just take a test?

When you are pregnant does your stomach cramp at the bottom if you are only a week and a half along?

You do get crampy when you are pregnant. Have you missed your period yet? It will feel like period cramps (normally) Also, in early pregnancy many women get constipated, so it could be from that also.