To get an answer, you need to provide details like, brand, model, condition, serial number.
50-500 usd
10-1000 USD depending on specifics
100-400 USD depending on condition.
You would have to give more information. Exactly what brand, model, caliber, and what condition is it in?
Impossible to answer. Need to know if its a rifle, shotgun, handgun. Need to know what type of action. Need to know caliber. Need to know who made it.
it is a little less powerful but not by much
Put it on a scale
value depends on overall condition.................
No such model number. Need a detailed description to include caliber/gauge, handgun or longgun, condition and all features.
0.5 cents
You haven't given enough information. It depends on what brand and model. Some 38 revolvers are worth $30 or $40. Some are worth several thousand.