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As much as someone is willing to pay for it

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Q: 20 yr old Miller lite never opened Halloween decorated beer bottle Is it worth anything now?
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How many calories in a bottle of miller high life?

A 12 ounce bottle of Miller High Life has approximately 143 calories. Miller High Life has approximately 4 percent of carbohydrates.

I have an old bottle that says Miller's beverage co. of Kendallville I assume in Indiana as that is where it was found. Can't Google any history on the company Can anyone help me out?

Miller lite? i looked it up and miller lite is what they gave me is it an old beer bottle? if its a beer bottle its probably Miller lite (just old) This is a soda bottle from my hometown and can be found as Millers,Rainbow & Kendallville beverages not sure on company info(I am a Centlivre beer bottle collector) but could get info from book at Libary if you really wanted it.

How many calories does miller lite bottle have in it?

96 calories

How much cholesterol is in a 12oz bottle of Miller Lite?

There is not any cholesterol in Miller Lite or any beer for that matter.

What percentage by volume of alcohol is in Miller Lite?

In the United States the percentage of alcohol by volume in Miller Lite is 4.2. It contains 110 calories per bottle or can according to the Miller website.

Did bradley mason do anything gay with a wine bottle?

I quote, "Bradley Mason has never done anything gay with a wine bottle!"

What kind of candy can you find in your Halloween bag that starts with the letter b?

ButterfingersBottle CapsBaby RuthBazookaBaby Bottle Pops

Is powerade bottle safe to microwave?

No, anything plastic is not.

What beer has a clear bottle?

Miller High Life, High life light , and Corona are a few, there are probably more.

What does bottle of beast mean?

It is something that takes you home. In Wisconsin we call Miller's "Milwaukee's Best" beer "the beast".

What do you need to be a baby for Halloween?

You need footie pajamas, a bonnet ( you can make one out of a visor and lace), a bottle, a pacifier, and a teddy bear.

What do they do on Halloween?

people either wear weird costumes, like a toothpaste bottle. or they impersonate someone. they could be famous, or they could be their friend.