depends on who buys it some collectors would call it priceless and pay hundreds for it and others wouldn't... all depends
100-600 USD
I have one(1968 model) & case....only 3 rounds fired......I've turned down $600 Depending on condition, $200-$450.
The Baby Browning in .25ACP caliber was made from 1955-1968.Yours was made in the last year of production,1968.This model was discontinued due to the passage of the gun control act of 1968 which went into affect in the year 1969.
value of belgium browning 25 auto baby blued with walnut grips
what is the question?
Browning made the "Baby Browning" in Belgium for several years, on the muzzel of this tiny 6 shot automatic it states .6mm. It does in fact take 25 caliber ammunition.
50-700 usd
My only reference to Bauer is a modern handgun maker, that produced copies of the Baby Browning .25 Auto in the period 1972-1984.
50-450 usd
50-400 usd
100-1000 usd
Value of small browning 25 cal. 6 shot model 266180 fair to good condition