Dating is OK; sex is not.
NO i dont think so....this girl i no is 13 and she is dating a 16 year old....but there from New im not positive
Not as such, provided there is no sexual intercourse involved in the relationship.
Yes it is. Even at my school. I think it's a little too young but there are 13 year olds dating. Not in my family.Group activities at 14, no individual dating til age 16.
Depemding on when ur birthday is but you can date some 3 yrs younger or older
There are no laws against dating I personally would wait to be a little older if I was you
It depends on the laws in the specific jurisdiction where the individuals reside. In many places, there are laws that address the age of consent for sexual activity, which could result in legal consequences for a 16 year old dating a 13 year old. If a complaint is filed, it is possible that the case could be handled in juvenile court.
No, of course not! And with that age difference it is only looking for trouble.
Dating is not the issue. Sexual activity is.
To be honest, no i don't think so at all. I am 13 years old and i am dating someone that is 16. It really depends on the two people actually. However, any sexual contact would be illegal.