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delete from table_name where(rowid,0) in (select rowid,mod(rownum,2) from table_name) this is for alternate deleting even row

delete from table_name where (rowid,1)in(select rowid,mod(rownum,2)from table_name)this is for alternate deleting odd row

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Q: How do you delete alternate rows in sql?
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What does delete sql in basic computer language mean?

"Delete DQL in basic computer language is used to delete rows from a table. One can choose to delete any number of rows, or all rows, while leaving the index and structure of the table intact."

Which statement should you use to delete all rows in a table without having the action logged in SQL?

Drop table statement

Which SQL statement is used to delete data from a database?

The SQL statement used to delete data from a database is DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;. This statement deletes rows from the specified table based on the condition provided. Make sure to use caution when using DELETE statements as they permanently remove data from the database.

Delete alternate row?

When a program deletes every alternate row, it is telling the spreadsheet provider to leave a space between the rows of information. This will shorten the field at which to enter data, but provide the user with clearer information.

What is another name for rows that alternate shading on the rows in Excel 2013?

They can be called banded rows.

What does a SQL Delete statement allow?

An SQL Delete statement is a code used for programming. It allows you to delete a single record or multiple records from a graph or table. These codes can be very useful.

With SQL how can you delete the records where the FirstName is Peter in the Persons Table?

To delete records where FirstName is Peter in the Persons Table, you can use the following SQL query: DELETE FROM Persons WHERE FirstName = 'Peter';

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What is the effect called in Excel that displays alternate rows with color?

They are banded rows.

What SQL clause is used to restrict the rows returned by a query?

The WHERE clause is used to restrict the rows returned by a query in SQL. It allows you to specify a condition that must be met for a row to be included in the result set.

How you delete duplicate row of table in SQL?

This can be different depending on the SQL server involved. Please specify the Database being used (ie, mysql, postgresql, oracle, ms SQL Server) I am using SQL 2005 express, what is the command, i can only get... delete... and what else? lets say i want to delete a duplicate row that is row 2.

How do you remove banded rows in Excel?

You can delete the actual row by selecting it and using the Delete rows option. That will also delete the data. If you just want to get rid of the actual banding and keep the data, you can select the rows and change the formatting, and set it to be the same as the other rows.