The coin is in circulation today and its just a nickel.
This nickel is currently worth approximately 6.5 cents, on a national average. A number of experts believe in ten years that they will be valued in a range between 12-15 cents. All of these estimates are based upon mint condition nickels.
A 2005 US nickel that has Ocean in View on the back is an ordinary coin from the Westward Journey series. If you found it in change it has no added value. A nice uncirculated one might retail for 50 to 75 cents.
Mountain Scenery with ocean and trees
If you found it in change, 5 cents. It's one of the Lewis and Clark bicentennial nickels. Millions were minted and a lot were saved in new or nearly-new condition. Only a nice uncirculated or proof specimen would have any extra value.
An 1868 nickel 3¢ piece retails for $14 to $18 in average circulated condition. Here are some links below so you can view the estimated value of every Three Cent Nickel ever made based on its condition.
The Lahaina apartments have a view of the Pacific Ocean. Depending on where your apartment is located you may be facing the ocean or the beautiful gardens of the complex. Either view is worth it!
In the sea view room you have glimpses of the ocean/sea, in the ocean view room you have the whole ocean/sea view from left to right.
The 2005 nickel is different because it features a new design on the reverse side. This design, known as the "Ocean in View" nickel, showcases a scene from the Lewis and Clark expedition. The change was made to commemorate the bicentennial of the expedition and add variety to the nickel series.
The address of the Ocean View Historical Society is: Po Box 576, Ocean View, DE 19970-0576
One Ocean View was created in 2006.
Ocean View Christian Academy was created in 1977.