It depends what the metal is, troy ounces are units of measurements like inches, grams, tons, etc. Usually precious metals are given in troy ounces but without knowing which metal you are talking about, gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, etc. it is impossible to state the price.
how much is a troy ounce worth?
To find the value of a pennyweight, you would divide the value of a troy ounce by 20 (since there are 20 pennyweights in a troy ounce). Therefore, if a troy ounce is worth $1100.00, a pennyweight would be worth $55.00.
todays price how much is a toy ounce of silver worth price troy ounce silver
what is a one troy ounce
Not much. copper is currently at $4.32 a pound, and there are about 14.4 troy ounces in a pound, which means your troy ounce is worth about 30 cents.
1 US pound (lb.) = 14.5833333 troy ounces spot price of 1 troy ounce of gold on 10-05-2010 is currently US dollars $1340.00 per troy ounce. Multiply that times 14.5833333 equals: $19,541.67 dollars (rounded off to the nearest cent).
As of November 21 2011 one troy ounce of gold is worth £1086.39 ($1702.90 US Dollars)
Spot + 10%
In 1853, the price of gold was fixed by law at $20.67 per troy ounce in the United States due to the Gold Standard Act.
As of 22 February 2014, it's worth $21.84.
The average price for a troy ounce of gold in 1920 was $20.68