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Water can be evaporated from a sealed container.

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Q: Will water evaporate in a closed container like a closed pipe?
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What is the best way to get a solid back once it's dissolved in water?

To retrieve a solid back that has dissolved in water, you can evaporate the water by leaving it out in an open container or using a gentle heat source like a hot plate. As the water evaporates, the solid should reappear. You can then scrape it off the container to collect it.

What happens to a liquid that is not in a container?

If a liquid is not in a container it will evaporate.

Why does disstilled water evaporate faster than water?

The water on the floor has more area exposed to the air it means glass or walls of container or walls of glass restrict water to expose to air rapidly like water on the floor has more area to evaporate......

How do plants grow in a closed container?

Plants can grow in a closed container by utilizing the available air, water, and light within the container. These resources are recycled through processes like photosynthesis and transpiration, allowing the plant to thrive. However, plants may eventually outgrow the container if not properly managed.

Does cordial evaporate or not and why?

Cordial can evaporate over time, as it contains water which can evaporate when exposed to air. However, the rate of evaporation may vary depending on factors like temperature and humidity levels. It is recommended to store cordial in a sealed container to prevent evaporation and maintain its flavor.

Things that evaporate in water?

Substances that can evaporate in water include volatile liquids like alcohol, acetone, and gasoline. Additionally, some essential oils and fragrances can also evaporate in water. Overall, substances that have low boiling points tend to evaporate more easily in water.

To trun to a gas like water into water vapor.?


Can all water substances evaporate like water can?

No, it is not possible.

Can mud evaporate?

Mud is a mixture of water and soil particles, so it does not evaporate like pure water. The water content in mud can evaporate, leaving behind hardened soil particles.

Does alcohol give up heat to evaporate?

Yes, alcohol gives up heat to evaporate. When alcohol evaporates, it absorbs heat energy from its surroundings, which results in a cooling effect. This is why rubbing alcohol is commonly used to cool the skin when it evaporates.

Can sand and water be in a closed container?

Yes, sand and water can be in a closed container, but the sand may settle at the bottom while the water remains on top due to their different densities. Shake the container to mix them temporarily, but they will eventually separate again when left undisturbed due to gravity.

How do you separate sugar from pepper?

Add the mixture into water and stir to dissolve the sugar. Pour the watery mixture into another container, using a paper filter to catch the pepper. If you would like to have the sugar back into solid form, simply evaporate the water.