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Once they have reached the age of majority, the parents are no longer responsible. And the fact that they are married would indicate that they are emancipated if they are not the age of majority. There is no longer a legal responsibility to support their children.

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Q: Will a parent have to continue support to a person who reached the age of majority and is now married?
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What is the difference between maintain and sustain?

To maintain means to cause a circumstance to continue, whereas sustain means to bolster or support. One can maintain a family with money for food and rent, but one might need love and support to sustain a family.

What does a runoff primary occur?

A runoff primary occurs when no candidate receives a required majority of votes in the initial primary election. The top two candidates with the most votes then participate in a second election to determine the winner. This process ensures that the winning candidate has majority support.

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There is no publicly available information to suggest that meteorologist Jerry Taft was ever married to news reporter Janet Davies. They were both notable figures in the Chicago news media scene, but there is no evidence to support the claim of them being married.

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Prop roots help plants survive by providing additional support and stability. They anchor the plant to the ground, especially in regions with high winds or soft soil. This extra support helps prevent the plant from falling or getting uprooted, allowing it to continue growing and thriving.

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There are arguments to be made on both sides. However, as yet I have not seen any overwhelming evidence that would support letting the products of this research out into the world.

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If a child resides in another state must child support continue after age 18?

The terms of the support order is what is legally binding. If the order states that support should continue past the age of majority in the state where the child resided when the order was mandated that should be adhered to.It is not relevant if the child relocated to a different statebefore he or she reached the age of majority.

Have been paying child support to the mother and the girls are living with boyfriends?

If you are paying the mother because of a court order then you must continue to do so if the girls have not reached their majority.

When does a parent not need to pay child support?

When the child is emancipated or has attained the age of majority (support may continue for an adult child who is severely disabled); when the child has been adopted; when the parents are married to each other and living with the child.

How is child support decided how long does it continue?

In general, support is 20% of net income for one child, 25% for two, etc. Support usually continues until the child has reached the age of majority or is emancipated (these terms are defined by the State); however, the court may order support to continue until completion of high school or college (assuming the child continues to attend).SEE LINKS BELOW

In Oregon how long after the child turns 18 can you collect on child support arrearages?

If there is a standing court order for repayment of arrearages, it will continue to be in affect until the monies owed are paid, regardless if the child has reached the age of majority.

Can child support continue after a child reaches the age of majority if he enrols in college?

not unless it is back have to motion the court to have it stopped

Does child support end if child is disabled?

No. If a child is disabled prior to the age of majority, most states have different child support guidelines. Check your state laws. In many cases it can actually continue past the age of majority.

Will you have to continue paying child support arearage if one of your children is married?

Yes. The arrearage is owed to the [former] custodial parent, not to the now-married child.

Can a 27-year-old sue for back support if the father did not know that he was the father?

No, in order for a lawsuit for child support arrearages to be valid the support order needs to have been in affect before the child reached the age of majority.

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Child support arrears do not go away. They must be paid even after the child reached the age of majority and the child support order is no longer in effect.

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