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When people have Leukimia Their blood counts are low because their cells of blood cant reproduce quickly

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1mo ago

A person with leukemia may have low red blood cells due to bone marrow being replaced by cancer cells, hindering normal red blood cell production. Low white blood cells and platelets may occur due to leukemia cells crowding out normal blood cell production in the bone marrow, leading to decreased production of white blood cells and platelets.

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Q: Why would a person with leukemia have low numbers of red blood cells normal white blood cells and platelets in the blood?
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Is lukemia contagious?

No, leukemia is not contagious. Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, and it develops due to changes in the DNA of blood cells, not through transmission from person to person like a contagious illness.

Are all bone marrow stem cells producing abnormal cells when someone has leukemia or just some of them?

In leukemia, a small proportion of bone marrow stem cells become malignant and start producing abnormal cells. These abnormal cells then grow uncontrollably, crowding out normal blood cells. The majority of bone marrow stem cells remain healthy and continue to produce normal blood cells.

What happens if a person with O negative blood receives platelets from an O positive person?

If a person with O negative blood receives platelets from an O positive person, the recipient's immune system may develop antibodies against the positive blood type. This could potentially lead to transfusion reactions and complications in future transfusions. It is generally recommended to match blood types as closely as possible to minimize these risks.

Which is better low white blood count or high white blood count if you have leukemia?

In the context of leukemia, a high white blood cell count is more common and indicative of the disease. Leukemia results from the overproduction of abnormal white blood cells, leading to high levels in the blood. A low white blood cell count can occur in leukemia due to bone marrow suppression from the disease or treatment, putting the person at risk of infections.

The genotype of the person with normal red blood cells is?

The genotype of a person with normal red blood cells is usually AA, where both copies of the beta-globin gene are normal. This results in the production of normal hemoglobin and red blood cells.

Related questions

Why do patients with leukemia have tendency to bleed?

Lupus patients often have thrombocytopenic anemia, either because the immune system attacks and destroys platelets or the immune system interferes with the manufacture of platelets in the bone marrow. Platelets are the part of the blood that cause the blood to clot. If the blood does not clot, people bleed.

What does platelet aggregation mean?

High platelets means a condition in which the blood contains more platelets than normal. Platelets are small blood cell fragments that assist in blood clotting. In a healthy person, there are usually 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. A high platelet count can be identified through routine blood tests.

What is a sentence with the word platelets?

The platelets count of the sick person was very low. It means the count of protective cells in the body.

What is a normal platelets in numbers?

A normal platelet count for a human ranges between 150,000 and 450,000 platelets per microliter. The average platelet count for men is 237,000 per microliter. The average platelet count for women is 266,000 per microliter.

Is it abnormal to have 54000 platelets?

Yes it is abnormal. More information: Normal platelet counts for children and adults are between 150,000-400,000 per mm3. For babies, normal limits are 200,000-475,000, and for newborns, normal would be 150,000-300,000 mm3. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting, so a low count count would put the person at risk for uncontrolled bleeding.

Can aml leukemia be transferred from person to person?

Absolutely not. Leukemia is a form of blood or bone marrow cancer and is not transmitted through needles, sex or any other methods, unlike AIDS and HIV. I know because my loving husband has lived with it bravely for years.

Is 100 platelets count low?

>Platelets are commonly known as thrombocytes. >They are responsible for blood clotting process. >Therefore, platelets are inevitable. >Normally, the platelet count should be more than 1.5 lacs in an average human. >The platelet count 100, described in this question is very low as compared to normal count. >This may result even in the death of a person.

What is the cholesterol number?

For normal the numbers should be around 120/80. Of course this varies from person to person but that is about normal. You don't want the numbers too low or too high. WebMd has some great information on cholesterol.

How does leukemia affect your life physically?

Leukemia patients have many limitations since their immune system in low and they are immunosuppressed. In this case, they cannot have the usual normal lifestyle as a normal person without the disease. This is also life threatening and is a kind of cancer that can halt a life.

What are the Hematocrit levels of person with chronic myeloid leukemia?


What would happened to someone without platelets?

A person without any platelets at all would most likely bleed a lot. They could be dead

What kind of people suffer leukemia?

You have a greater risk of developing leukemia if it runs in the family but anyone can get it. It also possible that leukemia can strike you at an early age acute leukemia is a common forms of leukemia for children. I found an article that explains different kinds of leukemia that maybe could help you understand and come up with an idea how to cure leukemia or better to prevent it earlier. Please see related link.