There already is a city near Mount Vesuvius: Naples. Naples has been there since long before anyone knew Mount Vesuvius was dangerous. The land around Mount Vesuvius is desireable because the volcanic soil is very fertile and excellent for growing crops.
People continue to live near Mount Vesuvius because the region offers fertile soil, a rich history, and a strong sense of community and attachment to the area. Additionally, advances in technology and warning systems have improved the ability to monitor and potentially evacuate in case of an eruption.
People live there basically because its their home. It is an area of Italy where there's good farmland and good fishing. They live there and make their livings there. Today, if Vesuvius erupted, there would possibly be little or no loss of life because scientists are constantly monitoring the volcano. There could be loss of property, but property can be replaced, lives cannot.
Yes Vesuvius is expected to erupt again The question is no so much if as when and how violently.
in the next houndered years
Mount Vesuvius is considered an active volcano because it has shown signs of erupting in recent history, with its last eruption occurring in 1944. While it is currently dormant, the volcano is monitored closely by scientists for any signs of reactivation.
?Will Mount Vesuvius Erupt Again?Mount Vesuvius is not extinct. It is however, dormant and may erupt in 2050 or later on. The civil authorities is now already offering $30 000 to each family to move to a safer place.
Mt. Vesuvius is an active volcano and has a history of erupting, with the last major eruption in 1944. While it is monitored closely for signs of activity, predicting when it may erupt next is difficult. The chances of Mt. Vesuvius erupting again in the future are considered high due to its active status.
No i would not live in Mount Vesuvius because what if it eruptes again and you have no where to go.
Yes Vesuvius is expected to erupt again The question is no so much if as when and how violently.
No. That would be a major news story should it start. Millions of people live in the area around Vesuvius . It is one of the most watched volcanos in the world.
in the next houndered years
?Will Mount Vesuvius Erupt Again?Mount Vesuvius is not extinct. It is however, dormant and may erupt in 2050 or later on. The civil authorities is now already offering $30 000 to each family to move to a safer place.
Mount Vesuvius is currently not showing signs of erupting soon. However, it is inevitable that it will erupt again. Because it has had a history of major eruptions and is in a densely populated area, Mount Vesuvius is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.
Mount Vesuvius is considered an active volcano because it has shown signs of erupting in recent history, with its last eruption occurring in 1944. While it is currently dormant, the volcano is monitored closely by scientists for any signs of reactivation.
?Will Mount Vesuvius Erupt Again?Mount Vesuvius is not extinct. It is however, dormant and may erupt in 2050 or later on. The civil authorities is now already offering $30 000 to each family to move to a safer place.
Mt. Vesuvius is an active volcano and has a history of erupting, with the last major eruption in 1944. While it is monitored closely for signs of activity, predicting when it may erupt next is difficult. The chances of Mt. Vesuvius erupting again in the future are considered high due to its active status.
Scientists cannot predict with certainty when Mount Vesuvius will erupt again. However, the volcano is considered active, and monitoring systems are in place to detect any signs of increased volcanic activity that could indicate an impending eruption.
Yes, Vesuvius is still regarded as an active volcano, although its current activity produces little more than steam from vents at the bottom of the crater.The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius of March 1944, is the last eruption occurred at Vesuvius. Since then the volcano has been in a quiescent stage without any major sign of activity
Mount Vesuvius is a volcano with a history of producing enormous explosive eruptions. Most famously it destroyed Pompeii and several other towns in 79 AD. Today about 3 million people live near the volcano, close enough to be affected by falling ash and pyroclastic flows.