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Boiled amylase as you probably figure has been boiled and since all enzymes are protein, their molecular structure is affected by the heating process. In other words, the amylase has become denatured and will not break down the starch and thus, the starch will remain in its present form.

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Starch is present in boiled amylase to be used as a substrate for the amylase enzyme to act upon. Amylase breaks down starch into smaller sugar molecules such as maltose for energy production.

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Q: Why is starch present in boiled amylase?
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Why the starch has to be boiled before it adding to the amylase?

To destroy any microbes or bacteria that may be present in it.

What are the effects of boiling amylase?

Boiling amylase denatures the enzyme, leading to loss of its catalytic activity. This is because high temperatures break down the enzyme's structure, disrupting the active site where substrates bind and reactions occur. Consequently, boiled amylase is no longer able to effectively catalyze the breakdown of starch molecules into simpler sugars.

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Amylase will chemically break down the starch contained within the potato.

Which nutrient is present in the substance amylase?

Amylase is an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of starch into sugars.It is not a nutrient.

Which enzyme present in saliva help in starch digestion?

Salivary amylase

What enzyme is present in saliva what does it do?

Amylase, it breaks down starch into sugar.

What is amylase used for?

Amylase is an enzyme used to break down starches into simpler sugars such as maltose and glucose. It is commonly used in food processing, brewing, and certain medical tests to help determine pancreatic function.

Why did very little if any starch digestion occur in test tube 4A?

Test tube 4A had no amylase enzyme added, which is needed to break down starch into simpler sugars. Without amylase, the starch molecule could not be broken down, resulting in very little to no starch digestion in test tube 4A.

What would be the result of Benedict's solution on boiled amylase?

Boiled amylase would denature and lose its function. Benedict's solution tests for the presence of reducing sugars, which are the products of amylase breaking down starch. Without functional amylase, there would be no breakdown of starch into reducing sugars, resulting in a negative or no color change with Benedict's solution.

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Amylase breaks starch down into sugars.

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amylase:) amylase:)

Describe the action of salivary amylase?

Salivary amylase is an enzyme found in saliva that begins the breakdown of carbohydrates in food by breaking down starch into smaller sugars like maltose. It works best in a slightly acidic environment (pH 6.7-7.4). The enzyme continues to work in the mouth and is eventually inactivated by the acidic environment of the stomach.