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It's advisable so that the oxidase test determines whether or not an organism has cytochrome oxidase in its electron transport chain.

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2w ago

Including an oxidase-positive control in a test of an unknown organism helps to confirm the presence of the enzyme oxidase in the test system. This control provides a baseline for comparison with the unknown organism to determine if it also produces oxidase. This is particularly important in biochemical testing to accurately identify the unknown organism based on its metabolic properties.

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Q: Why is it advisable to include a known oxidase-positive control in any test of an unknown organism?
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Why is it advisable to include an oxidase-positive control organism in any test of an unknown organism?

It's advisable so that the oxidase test determines whether or not an organism has cytochrome oxidase in its electron transport chain.

Why is It advisable to include an oxidase positive control organism in any test of an unknown organism?

It's advisable so that the oxidase test determines whether or not an organism has cytochrome oxidase in its electron transport chain.

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