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Global warming is a major issue because the entire environment, indeed the planet Earth is dramatically affected by climate change. There are many factors that are involved in the Earth's climate change and there is much that the scientific community does not know about the stability of this planets climate. There are many scientist of late however, who have suggested and even suggested strongly that it is human activity since the advent of the industrial revolution that has created the current global warming trend. It is important to understand that the current warming trend on this planet is not new and the last time Earth went through a similar warming was the Medieval Warm Period from about 800-1300 AD. The Medieval Warm Period was followed by a cooling period known as The Little Ice Age that lasted until the 19th century. The planet today is now experiencing a warming period that is speculated to be warmer than any period known to man. This sounds alarming but the reality is that the last warming period was only slightly cooler than today estimated to be around 0.03 degrees Celsius cooler than today. That slight difference can amount to a noticeable difference in environmental changes or not it is unclear based on the current data available.

Whether global warming is a survival issue for humanity is just not clear. That it is a major political issue is more than obvious. The United Nations has strongly advocated major intergovernmental action in slowing down the effects of global warming. It is not at all clear that the effects of global warming can be slowed but this doesn't deter politicos with visions of a one world government and they will subvert the truth and use only the data that supports their urgent and dire claims that only a strengthened and powerful government can save humanity from their own hubris. The U.N. has presented the world with a "scientific" report signed by some 2300 scientist known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC, this report claims that there is a 90% certainty that human activity is the cause. 90% certainty is not certainty it is still chance just the same as a 9% certainty is. The science used to come to this "certainty" is based upon incomplete computer models that suggest it is human activity that has caused the current global warming trend.

Even though these computer models are incomplete and do not present a realistic model of Earth's climate, they still could be right in their determination that it is human activity that is causing the warming. Human activity is certainly causing some of the warming there is little doubt to this. It is self evident that human activity affects the environment and it should come as no surprise that human activity can affect the climate. What is not self evident is that the current warming trend is a vital threat to our survival. What is not self evident is that human activity is the sole cause of the current warming trend and what is not self evident is that the climate of the past few hundred years is the ideal climate for a planet populated by more than 5 billion people. Because there is so little that is self evident, and all that is certain is that we are in a warming trend, the issue is major because it is contentious. Uncertainties lead to speculations, speculations lead to theories, unprovable theories lead to dogma and adherents of dogma form religious groups who advocate the dogma. Religion is a necessary component of any society but religion is not science. There are no dogmas in science and what science can not prove, scientists should avoid speaking to. Prove or disprove a theory this should be the primary goal of science. Forming political movements to advocate a particular theory will neither prove nor disprove the theory, that happens in the rigid testing and experiments formed to successfully predict outcomes and explain the outcomes and the cause is what will ultimately prove or disprove a theory.

While global warming continues to grow as a political movement it is important for everyone to educate themselves on how science works and how theories are proven and dis-proven otherwise people will remain vulnerable to shameless Propaganda. One can not learn all there is to know about global warming by reading glossy brochures and skimming through earnest and ardent web pages that offer out of context data as science. Ambitious politicians seeking expanded power are counting on the probability that you will not do all that is necessary to learn the facts and will instead rely on the propaganda provided you. Don't fall prey to propaganda, do what you must to know for yourself what is true and what is not true. Don't take anybodies word as truth, discover the truth for yourself.

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16y ago
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12y ago

It is a global issue because it affects the earth's entire climate.

And since the global climate is so sensitive, even minor changes can have enormous consequences (ie, floods, increased precipitation, heat-waves, more Category 5 hurricanes and typhoons, rising of sea level, droughts, etc.).

A:I believe the ability of the United Nations to determine which countries can survive politically and economically and which ones can not is the prime motivator of this issue.

This would mean that it is certainly a global issue. If the United States were not permitted to increase it's production and countries like China were, it would be a great boost for many third world countries and allows their standard of living to increase at the expense of the rest of the world.

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1mo ago

Global warming is a major issue because it is causing significant changes to Earth's climate, leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as droughts, heatwaves, and hurricanes. It is also resulting in rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities and ecosystems. Additionally, global warming is driving biodiversity loss and impacting agriculture, food security, and human health.

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6y ago

Global warming is an issue because average temperatures are definitely getting warmer, especially in summer, although there appears to be some seasonal, localised cooling in winter. The year 2010 had the warmest global average temperature on record, fractionally warmer than 2005 and 1998, but as the difference is slight, the three years are regarded as the equal hottest. The past decade was the warmest since instrumental measurement began in 1850, and the ten warmest years since 1850 have now all occurred since 1998.

Global warming is an issue because we need to take urgent action to stop average global temperatures rising further. Scientists have demonstrated that recent global warming and climate change are caused by human activity, so it is incumbent on humans to make the changes necessary to prevent continued global warming. This means that we must dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions; not this year in particular, but soon.

Those of us who are past childhood and early adulthood probably have less to fear from the consequences of global warming, so we do not have to think of climate change as an issue for us and can focus on the short-term economic advantages of doing nothing. This is why the higher forecasts for global warming and its effects are probably more realistic. We should therefore expect significant rises in sea levels, which along with increased storm surges will result in inundation of important coastal regions and even the displacement of entire populations. There is a real possibility that arctic Siberia could warm to the extent of melting the tundra, which sequesters enormous amounts of carbon in frozen vegetation. Once this melts it will rot, emitting enough carbon dioxide to lead to uncontrolled, runaway global warming. If this ever happens, as well it might, humans wil be entirely unable to prevent catastrophic changes.

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7y ago

Climate warming, or global warming, sounds so benign. Who would not want warmer winters and balmy summer days? But the long-term global trend to higher average temperatures poses a real risk to our economic and social well-being, as well as to the native creatures with which we share the planet.

Climate change is causing sea levels to rise. Not by much so far, but this is only the start. Higher sea levels, combined with the greater storm surges associated with climate change, will force people to abandon some prestige coastal properties. The inundation of New Orleans should have been a wake-up call, but many see this as a special case with no relevance elsewhere. Rich agricultural coastal flood plains will become salinated and unproductive.

Floods will become more frequent and more severe in some areas, while droughts will similarly become more frequent and more severe in others. Analysis of hurricane activity shows that severe hurricanes are becoming more frequent and more destructive, as a result of increased atmospheric thermal energy. Frequent storm damage to properties will cause insurance premiums to rise until some can no longer even afford to insure their houses.

Wildlife will suffer from loss of appropriate habitat and from heat stress. Some corals will die back as sea levels rise and they no longer receive sufficient sunlight, while others will be bleached by the rising temperatures and acidity.

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12y ago

global warming is very big issue as it can kill people near the north pole or the people that live there like scientists or people living in neighboring countries.Also its a big issue for animals because many of them need land or ice to stay alive.For instance polar bears can swim but cant stay up on the water whilst eating their catch.Or their children would die as they would not be able to swim.

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9y ago

Because the science is not settled. Many predictions made by the climate change scientists and their backers have not occurred, and much evidence shows there has been no warming for several years, in fact, the evidence is mounting for a cooling process.

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Rising sea levels from global warming is a global issue. This is threatening many low-lying countries. It is a global issue because the warming is being caused by the actions of every country around the world.

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Climate change is a major issue affecting the Earth. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation are increasing greenhouse gas emissions, leading to global warming, extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and loss of biodiversity. Addressing climate change requires global cooperation and immediate actions to reduce emissions and transition to sustainable practices.

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Global warming is connected to other resources through its impact on key ecosystems and natural resources. For example, melting polar ice caps due to global warming can lead to rising sea levels, affecting coastal communities and habitats. Additionally, changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can impact agriculture, water availability, and biodiversity, highlighting the interconnected nature of global warming with other resources.

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yes. awesome

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What did you decide is global warming a real threat or are there more important enviormental issues to resolves?

global warming is a serious threat and there are other enviromental issues but they aren't as major as global warming