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If we don't have Bio-diversity there is no Ecosystem. That means no living things. Only the land will be there.

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3w ago

Biodiversity is important because it helps ecosystems to be more resilient to change, contributes to the overall health of the planet, and provides valuable resources such as food, medicine, and ecosystem services. It also has intrinsic value, providing beauty and inspiration to humans.

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Explain what scientists mean by biodiversity?

They mean that biodiversity is an important thing for a habitat.So, better not try to copy this dude.

Why does the coral reef have high biodiversity?

good! high biodiversity means there are many different species which all can interact and make a good ecosystem.

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they are different as wildlife represents the life living the life in forests while biodiversity means the diversity in life.

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Is biodiversity genetic biodiversity?

Biodiversity encompasses a range of variation, including genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. Genetic biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of genes within a species or population, which is crucial for adaptation and survival. Therefore, genetic biodiversity is a component of overall biodiversity, but they are not the same thing.

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to maintain good health

Biodiversity in tagalog?

Biodiversity in Tagalog is "biodiversity."

How are sustainability and biodiversity related?

That's the same thing I'm trying to figure it out but it's too hard

Define biodiversity and describe threats to biodiversity.?

Biodiversity is the assortment of species in an ecosystem(find threats for biodiversity)

Why are higher levels of biodiversity good for ecosystem stability?

The higher the biodiversity, the higher the number of species, and the lower the rate of extinction. A decrease in biodiversity means a single species will become extinct and this will have a negative impact on other organisms for all organisms in an ecosystem are connected.

How are sustainability and biodiversity are inter-related?

Sustainability and biodiversity are inter-related because a healthy ecosystem with diverse species is more resilient and able to provide valuable ecosystem services that support human well-being. Biodiversity is essential for sustaining ecosystem functions and services, which in turn contribute to the overall sustainability of the planet and our societies. Protecting biodiversity is a key component of achieving long-term sustainability goals.

What rhymes with biodiversity?

University - a post secondary institution Perversity - deliberately deviating from what is good