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Why is all of Florida at risk for damage from hurricane winds

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because the earths feels like it

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Q: Why is all of Florida at risk for damage from hurricane wind?
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Related questions

Is hurricane insurance required in Florida?

Hurricane insurance is not required by law in Florida. However, if you have a mortgage on your home, your lender may require you to have hurricane insurance as part of your homeowners insurance policy. It is always recommended to have hurricane insurance due to the high risk of hurricanes in Florida.

Is hurricane Irene worst than hurricane Andrew?

Hurricane Andrew was more intense than Hurricane Irene in terms of wind speed and damage. Andrew struck South Florida as a Category 5 hurricane in 1992 with wind speeds of 165 mph, causing catastrophic damage. In comparison, Irene made landfall in North Carolina in 2011 as a Category 1 hurricane with wind speeds of 85 mph, causing significant but less severe damage.

What is the wind in a hurricane?

it brings damage

What determinate the category of the hurricane?

The category of the hurricane is decided by the speed of the wind and the damage.

What is the difference between wind coverage and hurricane coverage?

A hurricane is a "named storm". If you do not have a named storm exclusion then your wind coverage will cover hurricane damage.

Is Hurricane Irene powerful?

Irene is bordering on a major hurricane, which can do extensive damage through wind damage, flooding, and storm surge. It is a very dangerous hurricane.

Can the wind of a hurricane be seen by the human eye?

you cannot see the wind. just what it pucks up an the damage it does.

What was the name of the hurricane that caused extensive flood and wind damage along the east coast in august?

Hurricane Irene

What countries did hurrican Katrina affect?

Hurricane Katrina caused devastating damage in the Bahamas and United States. Hurricane Katrina affected Cuba and parts of Mexico with wind and tropical storm conditions.

Are you covered for tornado damage even thou your policy does not have hurricane insurance for your home.?

Your policy will not specifically say it covers "hurricane" or "tornado" damage. If if covers wind, then your loss would be covered.

Is a hurricane an example of kinetic energy?

Yes, a hurricane is an example of kinetic energy in the form of wind. As it moves across the ocean and land, the hurricane's wind carries significant energy that can cause damage and destruction.

How much damage does a 56 mph hurricane do?

The damage caused by a hurricane is not solely determined by its wind speed. Factors such as size, duration, storm surge, and rainfall also play crucial roles in determining the extent of damage. A hurricane with wind speeds of 56 mph may cause some damage, but it would likely be considered a weak tropical storm rather than a hurricane.