Alcohol is the name given to a group of molecules called hydrocarbons. The alcohol present in drinks is ethanol. These hydrocarbons contain many chemical bonds and in turn a large energy potential. When the the alcohol is lit by a another source of energy (lighter) the bonds break rapidly releasing energy in the form of heat. Fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal contain hydrocarbons. As a point of interest internal combustion engines do not efficiently harvest the energy contained in fossil fuels and hence pollute the atmosphere. In a similar comparison our bodies extract energy from similar bonds such as carbohydrates (sugars) and lipids (fats).
Alcohol is flammable because it has a low flash point, which is the temperature at which it vaporizes and can ignite in the presence of an ignition source like a flame. The chemical structure of alcohol contains carbon and hydrogen atoms which can easily react with oxygen in the air to produce heat and light when ignited.
Rubbing alcohol more flammable.
The principal flammable component is rubbing alcohol.
Yes, Chambord liqueur is flammable as it contains alcohol. It is important to exercise caution when handling any flammable substance.
Yes, some gels can be flammable depending on their composition. It is important to follow proper safety precautions when using any flammable substances.
A water bath is used for heating alcohol, as this keeps alcohol (flammable) away from open flames.
Yes it is alcohol, all alcohol is flammable
Alcohol is both flammable and combustible.
Yes, dried alcohol is flammable.
Yes, rubbing alcohol is flammable.
Yes, alcohol is flammable even after it dries.
Yes, rubbing alcohol is flammable when dry.
Rubbing alcohol more flammable.
Yes, isopropyl alcohol is flammable even after it dries.
Yes, rubbing alcohol is flammable even after it dries.
Yes, isopropyl alcohol is flammable.
Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, can have a mild odor similar to ethanol (drinking alcohol). Isopropyl alcohol itself is flammable, but some denatured alcohols are available that mimic the smell of rubbing alcohol but have been treated to be non-flammable.
Rubbing alcohol remains flammable for as long as it is in its liquid state. Once it evaporates, it is no longer flammable.