

Why is Uranus called Uranus?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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8y ago

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The first proposed names for this planet were Georgium Sidus (which means George's Star), Herschel (which was the name of its discoverer) but finally they decided that since the Roman god Saturn is the father of Jupiter, it would only be right that this planet be named after the father of the god Saturn who was Uranus.
It is named after the Greek titan of the sky as it is, literally, up in the sky!

Hope i helped ;)

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8y ago
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1mo ago

Uranus is named after the Greek god of the sky, Uranus. It follows the tradition of naming planets in our solar system after figures from Greek and Roman mythology. Uranus was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel and the name was suggested by German astronomer Johann Elert Bode.

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10y ago

Because almost nobody outside Great Britain liked Herschel's proposed name, Georgium Sidus (George's Star).

Since Saturn is the next planet out from Jupiter and in Roman mythology Saturn is the father of Jupiter, it seemed fitting to name the next planet out after Saturn's father, who was... um ... actually, Caelus; Ouranos is the Greekname for him, so Uranus is the only planet that takes its name from Greek rather than Latin.

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12y ago


This is the symbol of the planet Uranus.

This planet was originally named in 1781 by the British astronomer William Herschel - he called it Georgium Sidus (meaning "the Georgian planet") to honor the King George III of England. The name was later changed to Uranus, the ancient mythological god of the sky, Ouranos. The name Uranus was suggested by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode.

Read more: Who_named_the_planet_uranus_and_why

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14y ago

By a roman god.

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3y ago

Uranus was named after the Greek God of the sky. He was Saturn's father and Jupiter's grandfather.

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