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The cat was frightened and bit him

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Q: Why does the narrator cut out one of the eyes of his cat Pluto?
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How was Pluto destroyed?

Pluto was not destroyed. It is a dwarf planet located in our solar system beyond Neptune. It was reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union.

What made planet Pluto disappear?

Pluto did not disappear, but rather was reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union. This decision was made based on new guidelines that defined a planet as having cleared its orbit of other debris, a criteria which Pluto did not meet.

Where did the planet Pluto go?

Pluto is not "gone", but its planetary status is. its orbital path is not circular enough and by saying that, it does cross neptunes orbital path. that breaks the definition of a planet.

What would happen if the optic chiasm was cut?

If the optic chiasm is cut, it can result in visual field defects such as loss of peripheral vision on the outer sides of both eyes, known as bitemporal hemianopia. This occurs because the crossing of optic nerve fibers at the chiasm is disrupted, affecting information from both eyes.

When was Pluto disscovered not a planet?

It was not so much a discovery that Pluto wasn't a planet, so much as a general concensus that it shouldn't be called a planet anymore. Over the past decade, astronomers have discovered several bodies beyond the orbit of Pluto that are in fact larger (for example, Eris.) They realized that there were probably many more they hadn't discovered yet and that the term planet was impractical for Pluto since it was so small and there were so many similar sized objects orbiting the Solar System. Eris was probably the final blow to Pluto's status. It is larger than Pluto and for a long time astronomers called it the solar system's "tenth planet''. In the face of this discovery and the fact that many other similarly sized objects had been found, the International Astronomical Union decided to formally define the word "planet" for the first time in 2006 and in the process effectively demoted Pluto.

Related questions

What passage is an example of rising action in Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat?

An example of rising action in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Black Cat" is when the narrator becomes increasingly disturbed by his wife's fear and hatred of their beloved black cat, Pluto. As the narrator's sanity deteriorates, he begins to mistreat the cat, eventually leading to a violent and irreversible act that sets the stage for the story's climax.

What is cat eyes?

The cat's eye effect can be seen in cabochon cut quartz, chrysoberyl and tourmaline and is known as "chatoyancy" and is shown as a wavy and changeable band of light across the top of the cabochon.

What do you do when your cat has a cut?

If the cat has a small cut then bathe it and leave it, but if it is small and deep take it to the vets immediately.

When do box turtles open their eyes?

They don't because i cut their eyes out 0.0 <what box turtles look like before i cut their eyes out

Can i cut my cat fang?

No , definitely not !

What to do if cat's scrotum is accidentally cut?

omg! you cut your cat balls? poor creature well obiusly what you have to do is get him to the doctor poor animal I can't beleve that u cut ur cat's balls! what were u doing whit a knife near his balls! My best wish to your cat

What do you give a cat in pain that has a cut on the throat?

take your cat to the vet if you have not already

What does it mean when there's blood coming out of your cat's leg?

your cat probably has a cut

What if cat's hair on scrotum is accidentally cut?

you don't have to worry. the hair will grow back. the cat will be okay, as long as you don't cut its scrotum...

Does your cat have allergies or mites?

yes my cat is actaly alergc to fresh cut grass

What is a spinalised cat?

I believe it is a cat that has had its spinal cord transected (i.e. completely cut)

What do you do for a cat that has a deep cut on his cheek and most of the hair is gone from his cheek and neck and you cant take it to the vet because it is not mine and the cut is infected?

The cat is suffering. Take the cat to the Vet and tell him your situation.