The majority of the members of the Flat Earth Society do not believe the Earth is flat. They are members because it's a counter-culture group which some people find interesting.
Those who think the Earth is flat are usually motivated by religious literalism.
The Flat Earth Society believes the earth is flat due to a range of beliefs and interpretations that they adhere to, including skepticism of scientific evidence, reliance on personal observations, and mistrust of mainstream sources of information. They often reject evidence from fields like astronomy and geology in favor of an alternative worldview that supports their belief in a flat earth.
a flat Earth.
Think about it this way. If it was flat then jet streams would be straight. But the Earth is round so jet streams are curved because of the curvature of the Earth.
On a flat Earth, there would be no tides because the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun would not affect water on a flat surface in the same way it does on a round Earth with oceans. Tides are a result of the gravitational forces between the Earth, Moon, and Sun interacting with the shape and mass distribution of the Earth.
Early scientists believed that the Earth was flat, based on observations and theories available at the time. It wasn't until later advancements in science, such as the observations of celestial bodies and exploration of new lands, that the understanding of the Earth's shape evolved to being round.
There is no evidence to suggest that any former president of the US believed that the earth was flat. The idea that the earth is flat has been widely discredited for centuries, and it is unlikely that any US president would have held such a belief.
Flat Earth Society was created in 1956.
The Flat Earth society consists of members who believe that the Earth is flat rather than an oblate spheroid. The group has been around since the 1960s. Some adherents are serious and some are not. Those who are serious are often motivated by pseudoscience or religious literalism.Check out their website: Flat Earth Society
The Earth was never flat. The Flat Earth society believe they have proof that the Earth is flat but other no individuals or organisations have ever seriously considered that the Earth was not round since the ancient Greeks.
Flat earth believers are almost exclusively motivated by religion or by conspiracy theory beliefs.
It's real; however, it's likely that most of its members are not actual believers in a flat earth.The Flat Earth Society does exist and their official page is Most of those who do believe are motivated by religion.
Earth was flat
Flat tax
Some people believe the Earth is flat due to mistrust in scientific consensus, misinformation, and conspiracy theories. Despite overwhelming evidence supporting Earth's spherical shape, flat Earth beliefs persist in some corners of the internet and society.
No, it was a hoax, learn more at the flat earth society website...
He didn't. It was well-known at the time of Columbus that the earth is round.