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Because the trend is the same. Atomic radius decreases from left to right across a period.

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Marley Williamson

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Q: Why does the change for the atomic radii of the elements for period 3 from sodium to argon look similar to period 2?
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Why does the change for the atomic radii of elements in period 3 from sodium to argon look similar to period 2?

The atomic radii of elements in period 3 from sodium to argon decrease due to a greater nuclear charge pulling electrons closer to the nucleus. This trend is similar to period 2 because both periods follow the same pattern of increasing nuclear charge as you move across the period, leading to a similar decrease in atomic radii.

What is the change in atomic radii for the elements in period 2?


Does a period contain elements that are similar?

no. A period is a row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictably.

What characteristics must two elements share if they are in the same period?

Elements in the same period share the same number of electron shells. This means they have similar atomic sizes and properties because they have the same number of electron shells determining their size and behavior.

What characteristics is shared by elements in the same period?

Elements in the same period share the same number of electron shells, or energy levels. This means they have similar atomic sizes and exhibit similar chemical properties due to their outermost electron configuration.

How do elements in a period behave?

Elements in a period share the same number of electron shells, leading to similar chemical behaviors. As you move across a period from left to right, the atomic number and number of protons increase, leading to a gradual increase in electronegativity, ionization energy, and atomic size. Elements at the beginning of a period tend to be metals, while those at the end are nonmetals.

What do elements in same atomic period have?

Elements in the same atomic period have the same number of electron shells. This means that they have similar properties related to the number of energy levels in their electron configurations. However, their chemical properties can vary due to differences in the number of electrons in their outermost shell.

Does A Period Table Contain Elements That Have Similar Properties?

Yes, elements in the same column (group) in the periodic table have similar properties due to their similar electronic configurations. These elements often exhibit similar chemical behavior and reactivity.

If an element with the atomic number of 119 was discovered which elements would share the same caracteristics?

If an element with atomic number 119 was discovered, it would likely belong to the same group as other elements in Group 19 of the periodic table. Elements in the same group share similar characteristics due to their similar electron configurations. Additionally, it may have similar properties to other superheavy elements in the same period, due to its high atomic number.

The properties of elements in a in the periodic table are often similar?

Elements in the same group have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. This influences their chemical behavior and reactivity. Elements in the same period have similar atomic size but vary in other properties due to the changing number of electron shells.

What is the relevance of increasing atomic numbers in the arrangement of elements?

Increasing atomic numbers in the arrangement of elements correspond to the number of protons in the nucleus, which determines the element's identity. This arrangement, known as the periodic table, groups elements with similar properties together. As atomic number increases across a period, the properties of elements change in a predictable manner, exhibiting trends in properties like reactivity, electronegativity, and atomic size.

Within each period in the periodic table elements have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons?

Yes, elements within the same period of the periodic table have the same number of electron shells, which determines their chemical properties. Elements in the same period also have the same number of energy levels and are influenced by similar trends in atomic radius and electronegativity due to the reactivity of their valence electrons.