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Some stainless steel is magnetic, and some is will exhibit only an extremely weak response to a magnetic field. It is the austenitic stainless steels that are generally thought of as being nonmagnetic. Let's review a couple of things to get to our answer. The primary metal alloyed into stainless steel, the one that combines with the iron (steel, actually, since there is carbon included with the iron) is chromium. The presence of sufficient chromium in stainless steels allows these metals to resist corrosion. Note that the stainless steels are stain resistant, and not completely stainless. Anyway, the chromium can be thought of as a "glue" in the metal matrix that prevents magnetic domains in iron from aligning themselves with an external magnetic field. If the magnetic domains in stainless steel, that is, the iron in this alloy, was "free to rotate a bit" within the metallic crystal structure, then the steel would be capable of conducting magnetic lines of force or of becoming magnetized. As it is, in many of the austenitic stainless steels, magnetic domains, which do exist, cannot rotate to align themselves to conduct magnetic lines of force. Nor can these alloys be magnetized to any appreciable degree. We also must note that cold working like drawing or swaging can "free" magnetic domains and cause the alloy to then exhibit ferromagnetic properties.

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15y ago
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8mo ago

Stainless steel is a non-magnetic material because it has a crystalline structure that does not allow its atoms to align in a way that creates a magnetic field. This structure prevents the ferromagnetic properties that would cause stainless steel to be attracted to a magnet.

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13y ago

Due to low carbon percentage.

There are three types of stainless steel. AUSTENITICThese are the 300 series, IE 304, 316 etc. These are non magnetic. Next are the FERRITIC & MARTENSITIC types.These stainless steels are of the 400 range like 409, 430. The latter type has high mechanical strength and is used as knives etc. They can also have additional alloying elements depending upon the knife quality. These SS are magnetic. However the attraction is weak compared to normal carbon steels without nickle or chrome content. It is these two elements that alters the magnetic ability or characteristics of stainless steel.

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9y ago

Stainless steel can have different magnetic properties, depending on the crystal form of the steel. An austenic steel will not be attracted to a magnet. However, if the steel is "worked" or formed, shaped, hammered, etc, it develops martensite or ferrite crystals, which ARE attracted to a magnet.

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17y ago

Iron is magnetic, stainless has the least iron of any steel compound

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14y ago

a magnet does not attract stainless steel because stainless steel has steel but without stains

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9y ago

They do work on stainless steel. Steel is an alloy of iron and other elements.

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13y ago

Magnets do attract stainless steel.

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Yes, steel can be magnetized and will attract to a south pole magnet due to its ferromagnetic properties. When a steel material is in close proximity to a magnet, the magnetic domains within the steel align with the external magnetic field, leading to attraction between the two.

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Yes, stainless steel is not magnetic in the same way as materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt. A regular magnet will not stick to stainless steel, although some types of stainless steel can become weakly magnetic through processes like cold-working.

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Yes, stainless steel is not typically magnetic, so an earth magnet may not stick to it. However, some types of stainless steel can be slightly magnetic, so it may depend on the specific grade of stainless steel.

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Some types of stainless steel are magnetic and some are not. Details are available via the stainless steel article on wikipedia.

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