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A comet's orbit is very elliptical -- it is a very elongated oval. The sun is at one focus of the ellipse, and typically the other focus is somewhere beyond the orbit of Pluto, in the Oort Cloud. Kepler's Laws tell us that a body orbiting the sun will move more quickly when it is closest to the sun, in this case when it is in the inner system. So a comet will move very slowly at the outer end of its orbit, speeding up as it falls towards the Sun, whip through the inner system at a great speed as it rounds the sun, and then slow down as it heads back out to the cold. Because the orbit is so very eccentric, it takes far longer to travel through the far end of it than through the inner system; a typical case would be a comet with a 70-year period that spends only a week in the inner system each orbit.

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Comets spend little time in the inner solar system because their highly elliptical orbits take them far away from the sun before swinging back in close. When comets do come close to the sun, the increase in solar radiation causes the volatile materials in the comet to vaporize and form a glowing coma and tail.

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Is halley comet an periodic comet?

Yes. Halley's Comet returns to the inner solar system about every 76 years.

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A comet is in a solar system. A solar system is in a galaxy, so technically a comet is also in a galaxy.

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Halley's Comet is PART OF our solar system. Halley's Comet is the best-known of the short-period comets, returning to the inner solar system every 76 years or so. It never gets much further away than the orbit of Neptune.

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The eccentricity of Halley's comet is approximately 0.967, which is quite high compared to other solar system objects. This high eccentricity means that its orbit is very elongated, taking it from the outer solar system to the inner solar system and back every 76 years.

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When it is from very far away, nothing. But when a comet approaches the inner Solar System,solar radiation causes the volatile materials within the comet to vaporize and stream out of the nucleus, carrying dust away with them. That is what we call the 'tail' of a comet.

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How often does Halley's comet visit the inner part of the solar system?

Usually once every 76 years.

Halley's Comet returns to the inner solar system every?

74 yo 76 years

What does Halley's comet mean for the future?

What does Halley's Comet mean for the future? Nothing special; the comet will return to the inner solar system in 2061, and ought to be a pretty special view. But in the grand scheme of things, it has no special significance.

Is halleys comet part of the solar system?

Yes, Halley's Comet is part of our solar system. It is a periodic comet that orbits the Sun roughly every 76 years.

Were does the comet Halley go after it comes to earth?

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