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Internal capsule contains all the nerve fibres coming from motor area of brain. So hemorrhage result in paralysis of the oposite side of the body. As there is crossing of nerve fibres to oposite side.

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Q: Why does a brain hemorrhage within a region of the right internal capsule results in paralysis?
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Why does motor neuron disease result in paralysis of skeletal system?

Motor neuron disease results in paralysis of the skeletal system because it specifically affects the motor neurons responsible for controlling muscle movement. These motor neurons degenerate and die, leading to a loss of communication between the brain and muscles, ultimately causing muscle weakness and paralysis. Without proper signals from the motor neurons, the skeletal muscles are unable to contract and move, resulting in paralysis.

What determines if the gene for periodic paralysis is passed on?

The gene for periodic paralysis is passed on through inheritance from parents to their children. It is determined by the specific genetic mutation present in the affected individual's DNA. Offspring have a 50% chance of inheriting the gene if one parent carries the mutation.

What factors affect internal validity?

Factors that affect internal validity include confounding variables, selection bias, experimenter bias, and demand characteristics. These factors can undermine the ability to draw causal conclusions from an experiment by introducing alternative explanations for the results observed. It is important to control for these factors to ensure that the results are a true reflection of the effect of the treatment.

Use internal noise in a sentence?

"The car engine's internal noise was loud and very annoying. No-one could listen to the radio because of it.""The internal noise of the TV was growing louder and was becoming higher pitched. It was a warning, for the serial murderer was just behind the last door."

What is transformed from rough strain bacteria to smooth strain cells?

The process of transforming rough strain bacteria into smooth strain cells involves transferring genetic material - specifically a capsule gene - from a smooth strain to the rough strain. This genetic transfer results in the expression of a protective capsule on the surface of the rough strain cells, converting them into smooth strain cells with enhanced virulence.

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internal respnse is the results from the internal stimuli. do u get it you goat?

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Gram staining protozoans yield variable results. Endospore, capsule, and AF stains will yield different results, as these stains are use on bacteria. Malaria is caused by a protozoan.

What is a sub arachnoid hemorrhage?

A subarachnoid hemorrhage is an intracranial hemorrhage into the cerebrospinal fluid-filled space between the arachnoid and pial membranes on the surface of the brain. The cause may be trauma, rupture of an aneurysm, or an arteriovenous anomaly. The hemorrhage may extend into the brain if the force of the bleeding from the broken vessel is severe or sudden. Localized pain usually results from vascular injury and/or distortion.

What is a capsular infarction?

A stroke, "infarction", in the capsule area of the brain. This often results in a loss of motor functions. The motor function affected depends on the location of the lesion in the capsule.

What are the results for a capsule stain for alcaligenes faecalis?

I dont have any answer, But i will post it when i will know . No change in color or reaction on Indole Test - Negative result on Indole Test.

What does an open capsule mean regarding the eye?

During a recent eye exam by my Dr, I heard him give his assistant dictation about my eye. He said 'capsule is open' during exam of each eye. Using a popular search engine results, I believe this to be related to the 'lens capsule', as I've had several surgeries, including cataract, where the capsule could have been cut (opened). It seems from the search engine results that damaging the capsule itself often seems to cause cataract. Unfortunately in my case, surgeries that saved my sight at all, also caused the damage to the capsule.

The movement of fluid into Bowman's capsule is opposed by?

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The shock syndrome results from many causes such as hemorrhage spinal injury or embolism the common denominator of any shock state is?

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