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because yo mama is to fat

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7mo ago

Saturn appears flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator due to its fast rotation speed. This causes the planet to have an oblate shape, with a smaller polar diameter compared to its equatorial diameter.

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Q: Why does Saturn look like a ball being squashed?
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Why Saturn is a least massive?

Saturn, like Jupiter, is a gaseous planet which is large in volume, but contains a relatively lower concentration of matter than solid planets like earth. If the matter in Saturn was squashed down to solid form, it would be much smaller. Comparing Saturn to Earth is like comparing a ball of cotton candy to a baseball. The cotton candy looks bigger, but the baseball weighs more.

Why does Saturn look like a ball that is being squished?

Very quick rotation (only 10 hrs 40 min), therefore centrifugal force acts on the fastest spinning area, ie the equator, causing the squashed tomato look. Earth also has an equatorial bulge but rotates much more slowly so it is lees pronounced

A squashed circle this has no straight edges?

Oval or ellispe is a shape like a slightly squashed circle.

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What is a good simile for squashed?

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A squashed circle this shape has no staight edges?

A shape that is nearly a circle, that has a major and a minor axis, is called an ellipse. Like the shape of a rugby ball or an American foot ball. Also know as a prelate spheroid or an oblate spheroid. Planets orbits are eliptical.

Does Saturn rotate on its sides?

Saturn rotates on its axis like a spinning top, causing it to exhibit an oblate shape where its equatorial diameter is larger than its polar diameter. This rotation gives Saturn its distinctive flattened appearance, but it does not rotate on its side like a ball spinning on a table.

What does the planet Saturn look like'?

It has no solid surface. It would hold 9 and a half earths on its face! Looks a bit like a squished ball.

What shape is like a squashed circle and has no straight edges?

An ellipse.

What is a compression force in kid terms?

A compression force is a pushing or squeezing force that makes things smaller or more compact. It's like when you squish a ball of playdough in your hand.