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The interaction of the Sun and Moon's gravity with the oceans produce tides. If the Earth was a just a ball of water (no land masses) then there would be 2 tides per day everywhere.

However there are land masses that complicate the tide movements, so that there are 3 different types of tides, depending on the local geography.

1. Diurnal - one high tide and one low tide per day. Occurs in Alaska, South East Asia, Gulf of Mexico and Western Australia.

2. Semi-Diurnal - Two high and two low waters per tidal day. They are common on the Atlantic coasts of the United States, Europe and Africa.

3. Mixed Tides - as the name suggests, each tide is different from the last. Occurs everywhere else!

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2w ago

Perth has one high tide a day because it is located on the Indian ocean, which experiences diurnal tides (one high tide and one low tide per day). Melbourne, on the other hand, is located on the Bass Strait, which has semi-diurnal tides (two high tides and two low tides per day) due to its position between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

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