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Basic Answer? Potential.

The most significant argument has been the argument concerning where the ethical line need to be drawn as far as using something that has the potential for life, if it is left untouched. The spearpoint for their ethical battle is centered on the idea of fetal pain; When does a fetus begin to feel pain? There are some pretty gruesome photos of unborn children grimicing in pain. When the nervous system is developed enough to feel pain, it is also believed that the brain is developed enough to generate thoughts, a personality, and thusly, a person. The average time it takes to generate to this point? 20 weeks, Which is why the abortion laws are centered around a twenty week limit.

As far as Medical Research goes, Embryonic Stem Cells are proven to cause Tumors. Leaving only Induced Pluripotent and Adult Stem Cells as viable candidates for medical use.

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Q: Why do some people argue that scientists should not use embryonic stem cells in medical research?
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Why are embryonic stems cells especially useful in medical research?

If people research embryonic stem cells, we can further put them into use into medicine. Using the somatic cell nuclear transfer method, scientists can grow human organs and tissues and then implant them into a human being. Further research can shed light on new ways to circumvent the body rejecting the given tissue.

Why is there controversy about using embryonic stem cells?

Pene grande

Do scientists contribute to society in any way?

Yes, scientists contribute to society by conducting research to advance knowledge, develop new technologies, and address societal challenges. Their work can lead to medical breakthroughs, environmental discoveries, and improvements in various industries that benefit people's lives.

What do you think is the reason why some people are against stem cell research?

The primary reason and most important reason is that some people are scientifically illiterate. They don't understand the science behind the research and they do not have even the basic education to begin to understand it. They don't even try to understand it and they let others try to explain it to them but those people often have some sort of agenda. Science itself is not good or bad, it is what is done with it. If all of society doesn't what to use this knowledge, a least we all have made the decision not just a handful. There are two methods of stem cell research. 1. Embryonic stem cell and 2. Adult stem cell. There is not somuch opposition of manipulating the stem cells from adult cells. On the other hand, Embryonic stem cell research involves the value of life. Thus the main issue for embryonic stem cell research is whether potential embryonic life should be treated with honor and human dignity. Which itself is only a religious viewpoint and not science fact.

Is using embryonic stem cells for medical research morally unacceptable?

This is like asking people if abortion is good or bad... In my opinion, it is acceptable, if the parents can't take care of a child, better take that chance at life and use it so someone else can possibly live. Would you like to save a life, or be born on the streets and possibly starve to death one day?

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What would you say to some that supports embryonic stem cells?

Using embryonic stem cells is unethical for many people, especially if they were only created for stem cell research.

Significant Work in the Field of Health Research?

A position in the field of health research carries with it both personal and professional rewards. The occupation of medical scientist is just one of the options to consider. The work of a medical scientist can help humans to lead healthier lives. First, one of the main tasks of a medical scientist is to conduct research. For example, some medical scientists conduct research on specific diseases or viruses. In fact, the research of a medical scientist can lead to new medications and better treatments for diseases. Medical scientists generally work in a laboratory environment in a hospital or a clinic. Furthermore, some qualified medical scientists help with clinical trials involving medications. By studying the effects of a new medication, a medical scientist can determine its benefits as well as what needs to be changed. In short, the research efforts of a medical scientist can result in effective treatments for diseases. Not surprisingly, a person must be well educated to prepare for the significant work of a medical scientist. The starting point for most medical scientists is earning a Ph.D. in biological science. Many medical scientists participate in postdoctoral work in order to gain more experience in conducting research. A medical scientist can also earn a medical degree that enables him or her to conduct clinical work. In short, a person who wants to become a medical scientist must dedicate him or herself to approximately six to eight years of concentrated study depending on their educational path. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the, ..median annual wages of medical scientists, except epidemiologists, were $72,590 in May 2008. Some medical scientists work independently while others are part of a team of colleagues. Furthermore, some medical scientists work on projects that are funded by grants. The need for medical research is ongoing so it seems likely that the field of health research will continue to grow. The ability to conduct careful, thorough research is necessary for the success of a medical scientist. The field of health research continues to expand and attract well-qualified individuals. Knowledgeable people who are interested in improving the health of the public should consider the occupation of medical scientist.

What jobs do scientists do?

Scientists research more about what people want to know or don't know yet.

Why do scientists clone people?

Scientists do not clone people. Human cloning is illegal in many countries due to ethical concerns. Cloning animals has been done for research and medical purposes, but human cloning is not allowed.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of medical research?

One advantage to medical research is the ability to cure diseases and extend the lives of people affected by illnesses. One disadvantage to medical research is the fact that it is costly.

What groups of people visit Antarctica?

scientists and university students doing research

What is the importance of facilities?

There are a lot but here is a short summary:To treat people of their medical problemsTo help people not have medical problemsTo research for medical problems and their cures

Why are embryonic stems cells especially useful in medical research?

If people research embryonic stem cells, we can further put them into use into medicine. Using the somatic cell nuclear transfer method, scientists can grow human organs and tissues and then implant them into a human being. Further research can shed light on new ways to circumvent the body rejecting the given tissue.

Why is there controversy about using embryonic stem cells?

Pene grande

Do scientists contribute to society in any way?

Yes, scientists contribute to society by conducting research to advance knowledge, develop new technologies, and address societal challenges. Their work can lead to medical breakthroughs, environmental discoveries, and improvements in various industries that benefit people's lives.

What'sthis research question?

There are many different topics that can be turned into a research topic and question. Many people choose to research medical questions.

Why is funding important?

The government uses funding to force scientists to do research that won't hurt people.