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Turner Syndrome is a condition where one of the sex chromosomes (X or Y) is missing.

In girls this means that they only have one copy of the X chromosome, the same as men have. Color blindness is a recessive condition coded for by the X chromosome. This means that men only need one copy of the 'color blindness' mutation (as they have one X and one Y chromosome) where as girls would require two (a unmutated form of the gene on either X chromosome would mean that it was not expressed due to its recessive nature)

In turners there is only one X chromosome for girls, this means that they only require one copy of the mutated gene to express the condition, the same criteria as men

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1mo ago

Females with Turner syndrome often have only one X chromosome, which increases the likelihood of inheriting a color blindness gene on that X chromosome. Since males only have one X chromosome, they are more likely to inherit and express color blindness if that X chromosome carries the gene for color blindness.

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13y ago

I think it's because like males they only have one X. So that makes them more similar to males. That is only a part of it I'm sure, but that's what I can figure out.

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Q: Why do females with turner syndrome have a similar incidence of color blindness as males?
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Can animals get klinefelters or turners syndrome as humans do?

Yes animals do sometimes have Turner's syndrome or Klinefelter's syndrome with similar characteristics as those observed in humans.

Do the pulse rates of females and males change in the same way?

Generally speaking, the pulse rates of females and males may change in response to similar stimuli or conditions, such as exercise, stress, or illness. However, individual variations based on factors like age, fitness level, and overall health can also influence how pulse rates change. It is essential to consider these factors when comparing pulse rate changes between females and males.

Who discovered waardenburg syndrome?

Waardenburg syndrome was first described by Dutch ophthalmologist D. J. Waardenburg in 1951. He observed a group of individuals with this genetic condition who shared similar physical characteristics such as distinctive facial features and hearing loss.

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Cow eyes are similar in structure to human eyes, making them a good alternative for studying anatomy. They are readily available from slaughterhouses, making them cost-effective for educational purposes. Additionally, the size and accessibility of cow eyes allow for practical hands-on learning experiences.

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Male shrews typically have larger territories than females and are more active in seeking out potential mates. Additionally, male shrews may have larger reproductive organs compared to females. However, in terms of physical appearance, male and female shrews may look quite similar, with only subtle differences in size or coloration.

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