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His two observers were so close that the time it took for light to go from one to another and back again was too small to be measured with the clocks that he had. Even if he had observers 15,000 kilometers apart, the result would have been a time change of .1 second, too small to be accurately measured with the water clocks available to Galileo.

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Galileo failed to obtain the speed of light because the speed of light is so fast that it was beyond the technology and methods available to him at that time. The methods and tools required to accurately measure the speed of light had not been developed yet.

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Q: Why did Galileo fail at obtaining the speed of light when he attempted to calculate it by measuring the time it took to travel between two points?
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1600s Galileo attempted to measure the speed of light using blank?

Galileo attempted to measure the speed of light using lanterns positioned at known distances and observing the time it took for light to travel between them. He would uncover the lanterns simultaneously and use a telescope to try and detect any delay in the light reaching his eyes. However, his methods were not sensitive enough to accurately measure the speed of light.

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Galileo held a pendulum up to his heart and timed the beats. This is what led to the discovery of measuring small amounts of time more accurately.

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Galileo held a pendulum up to his heart and timed the beats. This is what led to the discovery of measuring small amounts of time more accurately.

. What led to Galileo's discovery of a way to measure small amounts of time more accurately?

Galileo held a pendulum up to his heart and timed the beats. This is what led to the discovery of measuring small amounts of time more accurately.

When did Galileo invent the sector?

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Was Galileo the first scientist to estimate the speed of light?

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Did galileo invent the themomiter?

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What is Galileo first name?

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