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Gaea asked the titans for a volunteer to ambush Uranus and castrate him, Cronus volunteered because he probably wanted to show the other titans his power and make himself ruler of the universe

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9mo ago

Cronus killed Uranus because he wanted to overthrow his father and take his place as the ruler of the universe. This act was also motivated by a prophecy that predicted Cronus would be overthrown by one of his own children, leading him to try to prevent this fate by eliminating his father.

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14y ago

Because his father Uranus was abusing his children and his wife had had enough so she tried to get her children to overthrow him. But all the other Titans were to afraid to fight him. Except for Cronus so him and his mother made a plan to kill him. He did eventually kill him and became the ruler in place of his father. He then married another Titan named Rhea.

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11y ago

Only Cronus was willing to do the deed, so Gaia gave him the sickle and placed him in ambush. When Uranus met with Gaia, Cronus attacked him with the sickle castrating him and casting his testicles into the sea.

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Who killed Uranus?

In Greek mythology, Uranus was killed by his son Cronus. Cronus castrated Uranus with a sickle given to him by his mother Gaia, leading to Uranus's downfall.

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No. Aphrodite is older than Hera. It's like this. Gaia helped Cronus kill Uranus, and the remains of Uranus formed Aphrodite (gross, but true). Cronus and Rhea THEN gave birth to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Demeter.

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Cronus didn't hide any children. It was his father, Uranus, who hid Cronus' brothers, Hecatonchires and Cyclopes.

Who were the parents of Cronus?

Gaea, goddess of the earth, and Uranus, god of the heavens, were the parents of Cronus.

Why did Cronus defeat his father?

Cronus defeated his farther Uranus because his mother Gaia wanted him to overthrow Uranus and free his brothers, the Cyclopes, and the hundred handed monsters.

How did Cronus become the god?

Cronus/Kronos did not ever become an ultimate 'god'. He was a titan.

Who overthrew Uranus?

His son Cronus/ Κρόνος was the person who overtrhrew Uranus with the help of his mother Gaea.