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P=wave is short for pressure wave. S-wave is short for shear wave. This should suggest a possible reason they behave differently in the (molten) outer core.

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Q: Why cant s-waves travel through the core and p-waves can?
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sound can't travel through a vacuum. or a place without air.

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What can light travel through that sound cant travel through?

Light can travel through a vacuum, such as outer space, where sound cannot travel as it requires a medium like air, water, or a solid to propagate. Light can also travel through transparent materials like glass or air, while sound is mostly blocked or absorbed by these materials.

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sound cant travel on an asteroid because it has no atmosphere. it could travel through it.

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Sound requires a medium, such as air or water, to travel through. In the absence of a medium, such as in empty space, there are no particles for sound waves to propagate through, so sound cannot travel.

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There is no known material that light cannot travel through. However, materials such as lead and thick concrete can significantly attenuate or absorb light, making them almost opaque to visible light.

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What does sound need to travel through?

Sound (and vibration) are a wave system of sequential compressions and rarefactions of a material. These waves are mechanical and do need a substance through which to travel. They cannot travel through a vacuum.

Why cant sound waves travel through a vaccuum?

No medium to carry the sound energy.