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Because bacteria needs moisture to survive.

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3w ago

Dehydrating food removes moisture, which is essential for bacteria to grow. Without moisture, bacteria cannot thrive and spoil the food, allowing dehydrated food to have a longer shelf life. Additionally, packaging dehydrated food in airtight containers further prevents bacterial contamination.

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Q: Why can dehydrated food be stored for a long time without worry of it being contaminated by bacteria?
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Where may one find endospores within a bacterial cell?

stored within bacteria endospores ++

How do you make bacteriostatic water?

You can add little chlorine to the water to make it bacteriostatic. You can find the chlorine in the water for months together, keeping it bacteria free. The pure water can not be stored for long and can be contaminated with bacteria, any time. The risk of chlorinated water being carcinogenic is theoretical, rather than practical. When you drink the water, most of the chlorine is eaten up by food in the stomach and by the mucous lining of the stomach. The advantages of chlorine in water are far more than the disadvantages. Because the chlorine is very economical, there is no godfather for the same.

When do bacteria release toxins in the food?

It depends on the toxin. Exotoxins are a toxin that is released by bacteria into the surrounding environment. These would be released as a defense mechanism and would not be found in the cooking of food. Endotoxins, which is considered to be a toxin kept "within" the bacterial cell and released only after destruction of the bacterial cell wall. Such as when cooking.

Does bacteria grow in gravy?

Yes, bacteria can grow in gravy if it is not stored properly. To prevent bacterial growth, make sure to store gravy in the refrigerator within 2 hours of making it, and reheat it to boiling before serving.

Is a bacterium a type of eukaryotes explain the answer?

An eubacterium is not an eukaryote but rather a prokaryote. What distinguishes prokaryotes from eukaryotes is that prokaryotes do not have nuclei in which their DNA is stored, while eukaryotes do have nuclei.

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How can bacteria food poisoning be prevented?

use fresh vegetales and meat.Foods that are stored for a long period even in refrigerator can be contaminated by bacteria. if you suspect that a food it is contaminated by bacteria dont use them. If you use them, cook for some time until it is boiled so you can get a food poisoning but in this case it will be less severe becasue most of bacteria its killed onlly toxins are left in food.

Can pineapple be dehydrated and stored in vacuum sealed bags?


How is high level waste stored underground?

In the US it is not, all such programs have been killed. High level waste is stored onsite in large pools of water to keep it cool while it decays. Low level waste (e.g. contaminated clothing, contaminated tools, contaminated medical items) are stored underground: in earth filled trenches dug on the surface.

What foods do you find bacteria in?

You can find bacteria in anything that has not been properly stored.

What main carbohydrate is stored by bacteria?


How is nitrogen stored in biosphere?

nitrogen fixing bacteria

Will food stored next to microwaves be contaminated?

No, microwave ovens are constructed in such a way that no 'microwaves' can escape the oven, so your food or anything else stored close by are safe.

What causes listeria?

Listeria is caused by consuming food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. It can be found in unpasteurized dairy products, deli meats, and ready-to-eat foods that have been improperly processed or stored. Infants, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems are most at risk of developing listeriosis.

What is dehydrated food preparation?

Dehydrated food has had the majority of its water removed via heat and air flow. Various foods' water compositions are quite high, usually over 80% for fruits and vegetables. Removing the majority of a food's water allows the food to be preserved and stored for longer periods of time. It is a food's water which interacts with various bacteria and molds to cause spoilage.Removing a food's water limits the ability of bacteria to grow and shorten a food's shelf life.

What is the cause for bacteria to grow?

The cause for bacterial growth depends on what the bacteria is growing upon. Usually the case may be having something stored at higher temperature when it should not be, or leaving food out that needed to be stored in a cooler. Bacteria live off dead and decomposing material, this is how they live and reproduce.

Why are most foods stored in fridges or freezers?

bacteria grow slower in cold temperatures

Radiated food can be safely stored for a longer time because radiation?

Kills Bacteria