The southwest U.S. receives too little rainfall to support grasslands while the southeast U.S. receives too much rainfall and supports deciduous forest rather than grasses.
Prairies are mainly found in the central part of North America due to the specific climate and soil conditions that support their grassland ecosystem. The Southeast and Southwest US have different environmental factors such as higher humidity levels in the Southeast and more arid conditions in the Southwest, which are not conducive to the formation of prairies.
The geographic center of Minnesota is located in Morrison County, about 10 miles northwest of the town of Brainerd.
The grasslands and tropical forests that span from the Tropic of Cancer south to the Tropic of Capricorn are located in regions known as the tropics. They can be found in countries in Central and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia. These regions typically have warm temperatures, high humidity, and a variety of plant and animal species due to their location near the equator.
they arent related!
They arent alive
no they arent similar
There arent any. There arent any. There arent any.
the rocky mountains arent in Tennessee retard
Why arent plastic degradble
Electrons. Electrons are also made up of quarks but you dont have to go that far if you arent in an advanced class.
The population of Arent Fox is 145.
Arent Arentsz was born in 1585.
"Neap Tides".
Water is needed not only for drinking but also for agriculture, which is still a major industry in most Middle Eastern nations
the same way if you arent fat the same way if you arent fat the same way if you arent fat
The geographic center of Minnesota is located in Morrison County, about 10 miles northwest of the town of Brainerd.
Arent van Curler died in 1667.
Arent van Curler was born in 1619.