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Because the poles are points.

If you stick a pencil through the middle of an apple, you can grab the ends of

the pencil and spin the apple just exactly like the Earth spins. The pencil would

be the "axis" of the apple's rotation.

The Earth doesn't have a pencil sticking through it, but it spins just as if it did have,

and we can imagine the axis of the Earth's rotation. The points where the axis sticks

out of the Earth are the north and south poles. They're only points.

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The north and south poles are shown as dots because they represent a single point rather than a line that extends infinitely. The dot symbolizes the exact location where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the surface, defining the geographic North Pole and South Pole.

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Q: Why are the north and south poles shown with dots instead of lines?
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Why do longitude lines converge while latitude lines do not?

Longitude lines converge at the poles because they represent slices through a sphere that converge at the poles. Latitude lines, on the other hand, are parallel to each other because they represent circles around the Earth that do not intersect.

Which best describes latitude?

Latitude, usually denoted symbolically by the Greek letter phi gives the location of a place on Earth (or other planetary body) north or south of the equator. Lines of Latitude are the horizontal lines shown running east-to-west on maps. Technically, latitude is an angular measurement in degrees (marked with °) ranging from 0° at the equator (low latitude) to 90° at the poles (90° N for the North Pole or 90° S for the South Pole; high latitude). The complementary angle of a latitude is called the colatitude.

How are meridians drawn on a Polar Projection?

Meridians are typically shown as straight lines radiating out from the center point of the polar projection map. They converge at the poles and represent lines of longitude, which help to indicate direction and location on the map. These meridians help users navigate and understand the spatial relationships on the polar projection.

There are what degrees between the lines of latitude shown on this map?

grid lines of longitude and latitude

How are gradual elevations shown on a topographical map?

Gradual elevations on a topographical map are typically represented by contour lines that are spaced evenly apart. The closer the contour lines are together, the steeper the slope. Gradual elevations are shown by contour lines that form gentle slopes rather than sharp changes in elevation.

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Why do longitude lines converge while latitude lines do not?

Longitude lines converge at the poles because they represent slices through a sphere that converge at the poles. Latitude lines, on the other hand, are parallel to each other because they represent circles around the Earth that do not intersect.

Is latitude going east to west and longitude going north to south?

Latitude is the distance of a point north or south of the equator in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Latitude lines on a globe are parallel lines circling the planet north and south of the equator.Longitude is the distance of a point east or west of the Prime (Greenwich) Meridian in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Longitude lines are shown on a globe as regularly spaced vertical lines between the north and south poles.

How is latitude shown on the map?

The lines going up and down (vertical) from the south pole and north pole

What is layer shading in Geography?

it's the same as layer colouring, it's when instead of using contour lines, heights are shown by different colours

What lines that represent lines in the background and are shown as dashed lines on the drawing?

Hidden lines.

Which best describes latitude?

Latitude, usually denoted symbolically by the Greek letter phi gives the location of a place on Earth (or other planetary body) north or south of the equator. Lines of Latitude are the horizontal lines shown running east-to-west on maps. Technically, latitude is an angular measurement in degrees (marked with °) ranging from 0° at the equator (low latitude) to 90° at the poles (90° N for the North Pole or 90° S for the South Pole; high latitude). The complementary angle of a latitude is called the colatitude.

describe the lines of longtitude?

They are also known as meridians. They all meet at the poles, North & South. On maps and charts they are generally shown to be 10 or 15 degrees apart. At 10 degrees it represents approximately 700 miles at the equator, 350 miles at latitudes 60 N & S. and as mentioned above they all meet at a point at the poles. At 15 degrees it represents 1 hour between noon on the two adjacent 15 degree longitude. So at 0(zero) longitude being noon, then 15 degrees E is 1;00 pm and 15 degrees W is 11;00 am.

How are meridians drawn on a Polar Projection?

Meridians are typically shown as straight lines radiating out from the center point of the polar projection map. They converge at the poles and represent lines of longitude, which help to indicate direction and location on the map. These meridians help users navigate and understand the spatial relationships on the polar projection.

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Recent research has shown he was Spanish not Italian.

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There are what degrees between the lines of latitude shown on this map?

grid lines of longitude and latitude