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Air in cyclones undergoes cooling as it rises.

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Q: Why are cyclones generally associated with clouds and rain?
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What weather does cumulmbus clouds bring?

Cumulonimbus Clouds are generally known as thunderstorm clouds, they are associated with heavy rain, snow. hail and lightning

Weather associated with stratus clouds?

Stratus clouds are associated with long periods of light to moderate rain or snow.

What root word means that clouds bring rain?

"Precipitous" means a cloud brings rain.

What type of clouds are rainy?

Nimbus clouds are the type of clouds that are typically associated with rain. These clouds are characterized by their dark, thick appearance and are responsible for producing precipitation in the form of rain.

In which of the following clouds does rain form?

Rain forms in nimbostratus clouds, which are thick, dark clouds that cover the sky and are associated with steady precipitation.

Are nimbus clouds fair weather clouds?

Nimbus clouds, typically associated with rain and storms, are not fair weather clouds. Fair weather clouds, like cumulus clouds, are generally seen during stable weather conditions and do not usually bring precipitation.

Is it true that warm fronts are associated with clouds and rain?

Yes. Warm fronts typically bring clouds and light rain or snow.

What type of clouds brings heavy rain?

Nimbostratus clouds bring heavy rain. These clouds are thick, dark, and cover the sky with rain falling steadily from them. They are associated with continuous, prolonged precipitation.

What does generally clouds mean?

Clouds form when water starts to condense, so clouds eventually grow until they rain themselves to death-clouds mean rain.

Does an anticyclone bring rain?

Anticyclones are associated with fair weather and typically bring clear skies and dry conditions. They are characterized by descending air that suppresses cloud formation and precipitation.

How is rain associated with clouds?

Rain is associated with clouds because precipitation occurs when water droplets or ice crystals in clouds become large enough to fall to the ground. Clouds are formed by water vapor in the air condensing into tiny water droplets or ice crystals, which then gather together to form clouds. When these droplets or crystals grow too heavy to stay aloft, they fall as rain.

Which group of clouds produce rain?

The names of the groups of clouds that can produce rain are nimbostratus and cumulonimbus. The nimbostratus clouds are the ones we see that become very dark and produce a lot of rain or snow. The cumulonimbus clouds are responsible for lighter rain and thunderstorms.