The flag of the Communist International is red. All communists see the red flag as their symbol hence REDS. The association of red with the radical left dates back centuries. It's likely that it began with an association between red and sacrifice, conflict, revolution (bloodshed).
Communists are called "Reds" because the color red has historically been associated with revolutionary movements and socialist ideologies. The term gained popularity during the Russian Revolution of 1917, where the Bolsheviks, who established the first communist state, used the color red as a symbol of their movement.
lengthy wars dissension
Radiological Exposure Devices (REDs)
Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants. Chlorophyll is found in cyanobacteria and it is found in the chloroplasts of plants and algae.
Americans believed that 'reds' were still active because of the fear of communist ideologies infiltrating the country, especially during the Cold War era. The Red Scare, fueled by political propaganda and paranoia, led to suspicions of communist influence and espionage within the United States. These beliefs were further fueled by high-profile events such as the McCarthy hearings and the Korean War.
The dark pigment that causes many animals to be black or dark brown is called melanin. Melanin is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes and is responsible for determining the color of skin, hair, and eyes in animals.
bolsheviks or reds
It was originally the Red Stockings, then the Reds, and, briefly, called the Red Legs in the 1950s (to escape the association with Communists, called Reds), then back to Reds again and remains the "Reds" today.
bolsheviks or reds
it is a throwback/ in homage to the "red" communists in Russia
That would be the Cincinnati Reds, who briefly called themselves the Redlegs, during the Communist "cold war" years of the '50s.
During the "Red Scare" the reds changed there name from the Reds to the Red Legs. But after this, they changed it back to the Reds.
As what it sounds to me, the Reds were the Bolshevik faction (Communists) in the Russian Civil War, and the Whites were the people that opposed them (Royalists, Republicans, the Church, etc.)
workers who were "Reds" or communists
The Reds and the Whites. The reds were the revolutionaries pro-communists, the whites were the supporters of the previous regime Tzarism.
Communist guerrilla forces in Camodia were called the Khmer Rouge.
The Reds and the Whites. The reds were the revolutionaries pro-communists, the whites were the supporters of the previous regime Tzarism.