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Hydrogen, which has more lift per quantity- is too volatile and explosive- remember the HIndenberg! Helium is only practical lifting gas for modern dirigibiles. There were rumors the Navy synthesized something during World War II for blimp lifting gas but details are sketchy.

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4mo ago

Blimps are filled with helium because it is lighter than air, providing buoyancy for the aircraft to float. Helium is also non-flammable, making it a safer option compared to hydrogen.

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11y ago

1. it stays up

2. so people can ride in the gondola under it

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14y ago

helium is less dense than air so a balloon filled with helium will float. and it is inert - so safer to use than the very reactive hydrogen.

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Q: Why are Blimps filled with helium?
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What is helium mostly found in?

In helium balloons and blimps. Helium is lighter than air. So balloons or blimps filled with helium will float or rise up

What does helium have in it that makes it float?

Helium is lighter than air. Hence balloons or blimps filled with helium will float.

How do blimps fly?

They are filled with helium gas. They used to be filled with hydrogen gas but that proved to be deadly at times.

How does helium help flight?

Helium is lighter than air. So balloons or blimps filled with helium will rise up and float.

What are two differences between the good blimps of today and the airships Hindenburg?

Today's blimps are not filled with flammable hydrogen gas like Hindenburg was, but normally the non-flammable helium.

Why do they use helium gas in blimps?

Helium has a low density and causes balloons and blimps to float

Why is helium a better choice from the gas of choice for blimps?

Most early blimps were filled with Hydrogen, which is exretemly flammable and prone to ignite due to atmospheric changes. (Remember the Hindenburg??) Helium is a "noble gas" and therefore less susceptible to atmospheric changes.

Has helium ever been used in blimps?

Yes, helium has been used in blimps as a lifting gas. Helium is less dense than air, which allows it to provide buoyancy and help the blimps stay afloat. However, today, most blimps use a combination of helium for lift and air for control and propulsion.

What shape are most airships?

Airships are usually the shape of a oval. They look like blimps. Airships are usually filled with helium to keep them afloat.

What gas is found in blimps?

Blimps are filled with the inert gas HELIUM (the second-lightest element, atomic number 2). Since the blimp is less dense than the surrounding air, it is forced upward (gravity exerts a greater force on the heavier elements of the air than on the lighter helium).

Do they still use helium in blimps?

Yes, helium is still commonly used in blimps due to its low density and non-flammable properties, making it a safe option for lifting aircraft. Helium provides the necessary buoyancy to keep blimps afloat and is widely used in the aerospace industry for this purpose.

What air do blimps use?

Blimps use lighter than air gasses namely hydrogen or helium.