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slows down the organism and makes them easier to observe under a microscooe

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Q: Why add methyl cellulose to a wet mount with living Paramecium cells?
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Is cellulose living material?

No, cellulose is not a living material. It is a complex carbohydrate that makes up the cell walls of plants and is produced by living organisms, but once it is formed, it is not considered to be living.

Are all living organisms composed of cells or cellulose?

All living organisms are cells or are composed of cells. Only plant cells have cellulose which makes them stiff and upright. Plants need cellulose because they don't have bones like you and me.

Does paramecium have cells?

Yes. Paramecium is made up of cells

What structure composed of a non living material known as cellulose?

Cell walls are composed of a non-living material known as cellulose. Cellulose is a polysaccharide that provides structural support and protection for plant cells.

What is the thick non living barrier in plant cells?

The thick, non-living barrier in plant cells is called the cell wall. It provides structural support and protection for the cell, helping to maintain its shape and prevent it from bursting under pressure.

How many cells does paramecium?

Paramecium is single celled.

Do paramecium have differentiated cells?

No. A paramecium is a one-celled organism.

Is a paramecium an example of a simple organism?

a paracemium can reprouce a blood cell can not

It is in plant cells and not human cells it provides support and it separates and sorrounds the plant cell?

The structure being described is the cell wall. Plant cells have a cell wall composed of cellulose that provides structural support and protection, while animal cells do not have a cell wall. The cell wall surrounds the plant cell membrane, helping maintain the cell's shape and providing a barrier against external factors.

Does sand dollar and the paramecium have DNA in their cells?

Yes. Everything that was made has DNA in their cells.

What is the evidence that paramecium are living?

Paramecium exhibit characteristics of living organisms such as being made up of cells, displaying movement, responding to stimuli, and carrying out metabolic processes like digestion. They also reproduce through binary fission, a form of asexual reproduction. These traits collectively provide evidence that paramecium exhibit life processes.

How many cells does a paramecium have?

A paramecium typically has thousands of cells, which make up its single-celled organism structure. The cells in a paramecium are specialized to perform various functions, such as movement, feeding, and reproduction.