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The one's who appreciate sex the most are probably Tauruses, especially if you're willing to do it their way. They are also the ones who are best at sex. The one's who are most likely to give you sex though are virgos, libras, and tauruses; just be sure to be coy, sweet, and upfront about it and you will most likely have lots of fun sex!

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9mo ago

There is no single zodiac sign that universally likes sex the most. Sexual preferences and interests vary among individuals within each zodiac sign. Astrology can provide generalized personality traits, but it is not a definitive indicator of sexual behavior.

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Q: Which zodiac sign likes the most sex?
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How can you enjoy sex the most?

By doing it! It's the only way that you will ever enjoy sex.

Genes found on the x and y chromosomes are often called?

sex-linked genes

The sex of most animal is determined by special chromosomes called what?

Special chromosomes called sex chromosomes determine the sex of most animals. These chromosomes are designated as X and Y in humans, with females having two X chromosomes (XX) and males having one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

Who are the most popular sex symbols for each gender?

ummm idkk

How are human enjoy sex?

Humans enjoy sex because it fills the empity ness in side them and they really like someone and sex is the most amazing awsome way to show them.Another reason is they could want a baby or they like the feel of sex

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Why does Aries rush to get married?

Aries is the most impatient sign of the zodiac, and they also rush to have sex because of that.

Scorpio the sign of the zodiac?

YES! It's the birth sign that rules SEX!

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The 69 in the zodiac sign of cancer is symbolic. It's intellectual meaning towards such a delightful symbol is SEX.

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Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac and also rules the 8th house: the house of Sex, death, shared finances, and the occult.

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Bleeding after sex is most often a sign of cervical infection in chlamydia. It's not necessarily a sign of infertilty.

What is July 15 constellation?

The constellation that is most commonly associated with July 15th is Cancer. Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign and is represented by the symbol of the Crab. It is known for its nurturing and emotional characteristics.

How is the zodiac sign Taurus in bed?

Taurus sees intimacy as a natural and enjoyable part of a loving and commited relationship. They don't tend to engage in "casual sex".

If a guy takes a double take at you does that mean that he likes you or just into your sex appeal?

most likely into your sex appeal.

Which zodiac sign is the freakiest Scorpio or Aries?

Ok. scoprios are hot and freaky, but they don't reach the frreak level that Aries do. Aies are best at trying new things and LOVE to have sex.

What your zodiac says about your sexual preferences Sagittarius?

Your Sun sign won't tell you about your sexual preferences, but Mars and the 8th house can be used to give information about a person's attitude to sex and sexual behaviour.

How do you know if the same sex likes you?

the same ways you know if the opposite sex likes you. human nature doesn't change.