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2w ago

Stratovolcanoes, also known as composite volcanoes, are formed from both flowing lava and falling cinders and tephra. These volcanoes are characterized by their steep-sided cones and explosive eruptions, which result in a combination of lava flows and ash deposits. Some well-known stratovolcanoes include Mount St. Helens in the United States and Mount Fuji in Japan.

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Q: Which volcanoes are formed from both flowing lava and falling cinders and tephra?
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What volcanoes are formed from both flowing lava and falling cinders and tephra?

Stratovolcanoes, also known as composite volcanoes, are formed from both flowing lava and falling cinders and tephra. These types of volcanoes have steep slopes and are characterized by alternating explosive eruptions and effusive lava flows. Mount St. Helens in the USA and Mount Fuji in Japan are examples of stratovolcanoes.

Which volcanoes are formed from both flowing lava and falling cinder and tephra?


What is a steep-sided volcano formed entirely of ash and cinders?

A steep-sided volcano formed entirely of ash and cinders is called a cinder cone volcano. These volcanoes are typically smaller in size compared to other types of volcanoes and are formed from explosive eruptions that eject mostly fragmented volcanic material.

Which volcanoes form from fallen cinders and tephra of an eruption?

Cinder Cone

Which landform was not created by flowing water?

Volcanoes are a landform that is not created by flowing water. Instead, they are formed by the accumulation of lava and volcanic materials from the Earth's interior.

What are types of rocks formed by volcanoes?

Three different types of volcanoes are 1) Shield volcanoes; they are large mountains with gentle slopes. 2) Cinder cones volcanoes; they are small volcanoes made of hardened lava chunks called cinders. And the last one is 3) composite volcanoes; they are medium sized mountains made up of layers of lava that alternates with cinders. That is it.

What type of rocks are found in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park?

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is known for having basaltic rocks, including basaltic lava flows, cinders, and ash. These rocks are primarily formed from the eruptions of the shield volcanoes in the park, such as Mauna Loa and Kilauea.

Cinder cones are generally formed when volcanoes eject?

Cinder cones are generally formed when volcanoes eject a combination of ash, cinders, and lava fragments during explosive eruptions. These materials pile up around the vent, creating a steep-sided cone-shaped hill. The eruptions are typically short-lived and can occur suddenly.

What is a steep-sided volcano of lava and tephra called?

A steep-sided volcano of lava and tephra is called a stratovolcano. Stratovolcanoes are characterized by their tall, conical shape and explosive eruptions caused by the buildup of pressure from gases and molten rock beneath the surface.

What types of rocks do cinder cone volcanoes form?

Cinder cone volcanoes are typically made of pyroclastic material, such as ash, cinders, and volcanic bombs. As they erupt explosively, these materials accumulate around the vent and solidify into rock. The resulting rocks are usually composed of basaltic or andesitic materials.

What type of volcano is typically the tallest?

Stratovolcanoes are typically the tallest type of volcano. They are characterized by their steep sides and symmetrical cones formed by alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, and cinders. Notable examples include Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount Rainier in the United States.

Which feature is most likely to have been formed by flowing water?

Canyons are formed by flowing water.