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The longest wavelength / lowest frequency visible light is the red end of the spectrum.

The shortest wavelength / highest frequency visible light is the violet end of the spectrum.

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Red light has the longest wavelength of all the visible light colors.

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13y ago

Red light has the longest wavelength.

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Q: Which type of visible light has the longest wavelength?
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Which kind of waves are the longest Radar waves Radio waves Visible Light or Gamma Rays?

for wavelength, the longer of the two is visible light, but the longest type of rays are radio waves (some of them have a wavelength as long as a football field)

Which type of radiation from the sun is the longest wavelength?

Radio waves have the longest wavelength radiation from the sun. This type of radiation is lower in energy compared to other forms, such as visible light or ultraviolet rays.

A wavelength just outside the visible red wavelength is?

Infrared light has a wavelength just outside the visible red wavelength. This type of light is longer in wavelength than red light, making it invisible to the human eye but detectable by special cameras or sensors.

What would a Long wavelength visible light?

Long wavelength visible light would appear more towards the red end of the spectrum, closer to infrared light. This type of light is characterized by lower energy and longer wavelengths, making it less energetic but still visible to the human eye.

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Infrared radiation.

What type of electromagnetic radiation has a wavelength next to but is longer than visible light?

Infrared is longer.

What type of visible light is the sun?

The sun emits all colors of visible light, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The sun's surface temperature is 5,800 Kelvin, and its sunlight has a peak wavelength of about 550 nanometers. This wavelength is perceived as visible white light

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Which type of electromagnetic light can you see?

Visible light is the only type of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye. It has a wavelength range from about 400 to 700 nanometers, corresponding to the colors of the rainbow (violet to red).

How are different kinds of light waves arranged in the EM spectrum?

Different kinds of light waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are arranged based on their frequencies and wavelengths. From shortest to longest wavelength, the spectrum includes gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. Each type of wave has specific properties and applications based on its position in the spectrum.

What are the different type of wavelength band of colors in visible light?

There's only one "type" but the different frequencies are segregated as "color" by our eyes.

The electromagnetic spectrum arranges waves in order of?

The electromagnetic spectrum arranges waves in order of increasing frequency or decreasing wavelength. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, from longest to shortest wavelengths. Each type of wave has different properties and uses based on its position in the spectrum.