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  1. Hydrosphere: a volcanic eruption can pollute nearby bodies of water which can harm or animals that live in the water or drink the water. The water supply can be damaged for people who drink from it.
  2. Geosphere: the magma from the volcano pushes rocks to the surface creating lava. Lava and ash can change the landscape.
  3. Atmosphere: the gases mix into the atmosphere. Ash also mixes into the atmosphere and settles on the ground later.
  4. Biosphere: Lava destroys and living thing in its path. The ash also will cover plants which causes the plants to suffocate and die.
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The release of volcanic gas into the air can be described as an interaction between the lithosphere and the atmosphere.

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Q: Which spheres interact when a volcano erupts and releases gases into the air?
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A vent or hole in the surface of the earth when this erupts it may release gasses from inside the earth?

You are describing a volcano. When a volcano erupts, it releases gases, ash, and lava from deep within the Earth's crust through vents or openings in the surface. This process can result in various volcanic hazards and eruptions can be explosive or effusive depending on the type of volcano.

Is a crater in a volcano a material or part in a volcano?

A crater is not a separate material or part of a volcano. It is a depression or hollow at the summit of a volcano that forms when the volcano erupts and releases magma, gases, and other materials. The crater is a result of the collapse or expulsion of material during the eruption.

A volcano which no longer erupts is called a?

A volcano that no longer erupts is called an extinct volcano.

What to do when a volcano erupts in your backyard?

If a volcano erupts in your backyard, evacuate immediately to a safe location outside of the danger zone. Follow the instructions of local authorities and stay updated on emergency alerts. Do not attempt to approach or interact with the volcano as it can be extremely dangerous.

How explosively or quietly a volcano erupts is not affected by?

If a volcano erupts more explosively, the lava spewing out tends to reach farther, possibly ruining a near by town. If it erupts more quietly, not as much lava tends to spew out. However, any eruption will cause harm to the atmosphere because it releases harmful pollutants.

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What would a volcano do to atmosphere?

When it erupts, it releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, polluting it.

Where to go if a volcano erupts?

Type your answer here... were do you go when a volcano erupts

How explosively or quietly a volcano erupts is not affected by the?

size of the volcano, but rather by the composition of the magma and the presence of gases within it. The more viscous the magma and the higher the gas content, the more explosive the eruption is likely to be.

A vent or hole in the surface of the earth when this erupts it may release gasses from inside the earth?

You are describing a volcano. When a volcano erupts, it releases gases, ash, and lava from deep within the Earth's crust through vents or openings in the surface. This process can result in various volcanic hazards and eruptions can be explosive or effusive depending on the type of volcano.

Is a crater in a volcano a material or part in a volcano?

A crater is not a separate material or part of a volcano. It is a depression or hollow at the summit of a volcano that forms when the volcano erupts and releases magma, gases, and other materials. The crater is a result of the collapse or expulsion of material during the eruption.

What is a volcano that erupts sometimes called?

An Active Volcano.

What to do when a volcano erupts in your backyard?

If a volcano erupts in your backyard, evacuate immediately to a safe location outside of the danger zone. Follow the instructions of local authorities and stay updated on emergency alerts. Do not attempt to approach or interact with the volcano as it can be extremely dangerous.

A volcano which no longer erupts is called a?

A volcano that no longer erupts is called an extinct volcano.

How explosively or quietly a volcano erupts is not affected by?

If a volcano erupts more explosively, the lava spewing out tends to reach farther, possibly ruining a near by town. If it erupts more quietly, not as much lava tends to spew out. However, any eruption will cause harm to the atmosphere because it releases harmful pollutants.

What does lava erupts through?

If you mean 'how does lava release itself from the volcano', it erupts through the volcano's crater. But if you mean 'how does lava erupt from the volcano', then sorry, I have no answers to that.

A volcano that no longer erupts is said to be?


Why do explosive volcanoes have a pyroclastic flow?

When a volcano erupts explosively, it releases clouds of hot ash, gas, and pumice. In many cases these clouds, or portions of them, are too dense to rise and instead race down the slopes of the volcano.