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Q: Which section of the Volcanoes page of the website gives you information about creating an emergency supply kit?
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How can government prevent damage from volcanoes?

Governments can prevent damage from volcanoes by implementing early warning systems to alert residents of potential eruptions, creating exclusion zones to limit human activity near active volcanoes, and establishing emergency response plans to evacuate affected areas quickly and efficiently. Additionally, governments can invest in research and monitoring to understand volcanic activity better and mitigate its impact.

Are there any volcanos under water?

Yes, there are underwater volcanoes known as submarine volcanoes. These volcanoes are located on the ocean floor and can be active, creating new seafloor as they erupt. They are often associated with mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones.

What country has more volcanoes then anywhere in the world?


Composite volcanoes such as Mount Rainier in Washington are formed from what type of lava?

Composite volcanoes are primarily formed from andesitic lava, which is thicker and more viscous than basaltic lava. This leads to a build-up of pressure and explosive eruptions, creating the classic cone shape of composite volcanoes.

Where else are volcanoes formed other than at hot spots?

Volcanoes can also form at subduction zones where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, creating intense heat and pressure. Volcanoes can also form along mid-ocean ridges where tectonic plates are moving apart, allowing magma to rise to the surface and form new crust. Additionally, volcanoes can form in continental rift zones where the lithosphere is being pulled apart, creating space for magma to rise.

Related questions

How does the ring of fire form volcanoes?

The pacific plate pushes up against the plates surrounding it; thus creating volcanoes.

How can government prevent damage from volcanoes?

Governments can prevent damage from volcanoes by implementing early warning systems to alert residents of potential eruptions, creating exclusion zones to limit human activity near active volcanoes, and establishing emergency response plans to evacuate affected areas quickly and efficiently. Additionally, governments can invest in research and monitoring to understand volcanic activity better and mitigate its impact.

Why is creating brochures an expensive and ineffective way to inform the community about the emergency operations plan?

Creating brochures is expensive, and NOT recommended as a way to inform the community about the emergency operations plan.

How has volcanoes shaped the earth in the past?

its lava flow has hardend creating mountains.

When creating a new patient file what steps would you follow?

A new patient file should have contact information off the patient and past medical history. It should also include insurance information and who to contact in an emergency.

What would you do with a emergency management degree?

Emergency management professionals engage in creating strategies for emergency situations that may arise within the context of a public or private organization, and then executing those plans should the unforeseen happen. An excellent source of information about career details for this field can be found at and searching for "Emergency management professionals career outlook."

Who is typically responsible for creating an SDS?

Manufacturers or suppliers are typically responsible for creating Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for chemical products they produce or distribute. The SDS provides detailed information on the hazards, safe handling, and emergency procedures for the specific chemical product.

Are there any volcanos under water?

Yes, there are underwater volcanoes known as submarine volcanoes. These volcanoes are located on the ocean floor and can be active, creating new seafloor as they erupt. They are often associated with mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones.

What type of fault is at the Aleutian Islands?

convergent, when an oceanic plate slides under a continental one, creating volcanoes

How were the hawaiian islands formedHawaii?

Under water volcanoes, then creating the big island and then making the other little islands

Why are earthquakes and volcanoes found in the same areas?

because the form together pushing each other creating one together

What planet was shaped by craters by volcanoes but interior has cooled off creating dark low lying lava plains?
